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[ News ] Official Statement for Our Players about Recent Events


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-03-27 22:58:45Show All Posts
Boys and girls,

I have watched throw all this thread (posted about 24 hours ago) and have to sum up some things:
1. In 24 hours and 28 pages 0 moderators or admin comments;
2. Few banned people (don't know reason)
3. Lots of suggestions;
4. Lots of complains.

Like you think anything will change?
I really don't like fact that in 24 hours mods and admins didn't say a single word.
I noticed that rewards are getting "weaker" (smaller), etc. ninja test... i remember getting coupons and seal scrolls and now i get 2 mood scrolls or something...

What I mean, anything wont change even if you complain, ask or even beg...
If you will like game you will play. If not, you won't play.

I hope that next maintenance will change something... just hope...

P.S. i wrote a lot of messages to support and most answers were: we are looking into it, or it's yours or your pc or internet fault (in other diplomatic ways).
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-03-29 18:38:28Show All Posts
  • s105-Kravt On 2017-03-29 16:58:31
    rigged or not? :P
I get mostly N, so its random number (letters) giving...Shouldnt be rigged or i really dont care about this event...
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-04 21:06:26Show All Posts
So it's like 5 months after Kage treasure released...
People get bored...
And coincidentally no news from moderators about new treasure and when to expect that...
Maybe someone could say at least schedule date or we shouldn't bother asking at all?
Quicky Post

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