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On 2017-03-26 23:56:57Show All Posts
  • B0LT On 2017-03-26 21:30:41
  • Also, for the TI and SA problems that we had been having on the game from 9-16 of this month, You sent me 1500 coupons for compensation. I AM MISSING 25 TOOLS BROTHERS WHICH ACCORDING TO YOUR PRICING IN THE SAME WEEK'S DAILY SPECIAL EVENTS, COST 25X450=11250 COUPONS. AND YOU ALSO GAVE ME 20 PIECES OF NORMAL, MEDIUM and ADVANCED CLOTHES WHICH BTW I DON'T NEED BECAUSE AFTER 6 MONTHS I AM ALREADY AT LEVEL 27 FOR THAT, WHICH MEANS I AM MAXED OUT AND CAN'T UPGRADE MY STUFF ANYMORE. Not just me, You did the same to countless numbers of players, you expect us to not say anything? And We clearly know how the chinese servers have gift packs for power and level. You claimed they don't. Who exactly is the liar here? This post was last edited by acu*** at 2017-3-26 21:33 This post was last edited by acu*** at 2017-3-26 21:35 This post was last edited by acu*** at 2017-3-26 21:38
Yeah, I was gonna complain about that because I did not even get that compensation. And yeah I was one of the people who couldn't do TI for a week.

You want the opinion of a player I'll give you the opinion of a player that doesn't know much but has one:

A) We should be allowed to express out opinions about the game without being banned or censored. Yes, sometimes it will be negative rants. I am all for a rule against swearing and stuff, but letting people express their dissatisfaction should be allowed. A quick edit on a post to remove swearing or a filter would be great. Swearing is not the worst thing in the universe, but I can understand not everyone feels its appropiate. I really dislike how people gets banned here just for that.

B) Polls need to be worked differently, if we're going to vote things we should at least be able to have real veto power on matters or tell people straight away "you are voting for something to be added soon or later. Now choose." I mean you say don't discuss other versions, however ppl playing others version already know about things so you wouldn't have to explain cross-server SWB, but they can't help because you have a rule against it. Sharing knowledge of other version is not going to give anyone cancer, it's silly to rule it out. Besides that, even then some people even brought up that it was going to come regarding of vote, but some people REALLY believed when they voted "no" that OG would take them seriously (I guess the joke's on them for believing it).

C) I have no problem with the wheels since I don't spin anything unless is free. It was my opinion that the chances for getting certain stuff was higher than other just watching at the wheels and I don't mind that much, but to someone paying for spins it's quite a big deal. Can't the chaces of getting good stuff be increased or even out a little bit more? You could start little by little until you find a balance between the company's goal and the player's. It's not rocket science, adjust % until you still win but people is less prone to feel like they dumped their money on a rigged event. Personally I'd lower the contrast between good reward and "crap" reward, no one jumps in joy at getting a ramen bowl.

D) I feel your customer's service is somewhat lacking, when I bring out a problem I am directed at the forums, but my experience in these forums hasn't been very positive. I feel like the mods can't handle the amount of problems that need a response and sometimes it feels as if they are dismissive of complaints. I am a patient reasonable person and I think you either need more people helping or just take the information and screenshot given in the customer service page and stop directing people here. You can still keep the section of the forum for problems and customer service but it would be less cluttered and I would be easier to handle for the people watching over it.

E) Rumors and hearsay are part of the game. People will not stop gossiping and speculating what's comes next, just as people hasn't stop sharing things about other versions outside this forum. I am literally telling you guys and gals who work in oasis, let human beings be human beings. Let them express themselves, let them share. This is the internet its going to happen anyway. The forums can release information, like you did now on constant basis, this would help people to know what's really coming and what's just hearsay.

F) I am tired of hearing "this is our own version with its own things and it'll be different" you say that but people vote against Cross-SWB, now one of the things suggested was making participation in cross-server optional or only triggered when there weren't enough players. I don't know if china or german or whatever version has this, but if doesn't then the more you could try something the community actually suggested for instead of a rehash of whatever. I realize than rather than translating it means coding stuff up so maybe is not viable for you guys or not in short term or any term. Maybe you don't have that much leeway or people to work on that. So fine, but also let us know "how much" can you actually change and how much Oasis can't change. And be specific, like I wrote before tell us if we are voting to get something sooner or not, most people is going to guess a no means we don't want this ever.

I'd go on, but I'm tired and I write crappily so if there were a bunch of typos there, sorry.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-03-28 04:19:05Show All Posts
  • AkashaMoka On 2017-03-28 00:51:22
  • Ok? I did a 54/200 for a lvl 8. Was it rigged? my 2nd lvl 8 refine took 87/200, rigged? Sometimes your more lucky that others. It's the exact same thing as pulling for a super rare, the minute you do a 10 pull it will give you one of the super rares.

    You may want lets say Hashirama, but it's determined to give you tendo already. Same as doing refines, you may want to cut down the cost by half, but it's already set at how much you'll have to do. Refines have a low RNG rate so be glad not all your refines are 499/500 lol.
So how many low level medium level and advanced level do you need to fulll refine? because I'm very confused as to the # required.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-15 07:53:33Show All Posts
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