mods getting ninjas is the tip of the iceberg. all u can be certain about now is that events are rigged. oasis' focus is on p2w players. i just suggest, stop spending until we get some sort of announcement, we've been played for fools for a while now and i think we've had enough already.
It's funny cuz the guy exposes them and he gets fired? shady from oasis but what else is to be expected of them?
Yup he got fired live stream while saying all the things Oasis is doing wrong against us and all the shaddy things they are doing. Community, open your eyes.
Am I the only one with the feeling that this company is being runned by kids...I mean it's all soo fcking SIMPLE!!!HOW TF DO THE MANAGE TO COMPLICATE IT THAT MUCH??
I'm P2W and highly upset that this money I've been spending to get these "chances" and certain item/frags/ninja have all been rigged from the start. Thought i was just really unlucky...
Well i guess we can sue them, so i come with this ideea, let's gather more people and sue them as a group(it will cost us less to initiate the process, and the lawyers will cost less too)
he says it a little earlier too around minute 20 with screenshot proof etc too. but im not mad about that lol. im mad about rigged events where u wont get * no matter how many pulls spins u do etc. odds are rigged everything is rigged . the polls don't even matter because we asked to not do cross server sage world but they're still gonna roll it out.
he says it a little earlier too around minute 20 with screenshot proof etc too. but im not mad about that lol. im mad about rigged events where u wont get * no matter how many pulls spins u do etc. odds are rigged everything is rigged . the polls don't even matter because we asked to not do cross server sage world but they're still gonna roll it out.
I'm more curious as to why though, to be honest. I want to see the motivation behind this, whether it's more than being a vacuum and *ing up time and money.
people WORKED for the coupon not getting them out of nothing u know, like how u get a job in real life you guys have a problem with dev being dumb and the update speed is slow as *? fine. But what's wrong with people working for a salary? you can sign up too no one is stopping you. Do you know Yuu got PTSD from being a mod and dealing with all your * in just 1 month? go ask her directly
I'm perfectly fine with mods and GL's getting paid. In fact, I think they should get paid in real money rather than the coupons. But handing out 6tail like that is just *.