Hello again! Kfactor5953 here again!
So I recently hit lvl 50 and noticed that another slot for Ninja Tools is unlocked for our use. At lvl 40, the Gourd slot was unlocked for our use, but there was never a Gourd drop from Team Instance lvl 40. I had always assumed that Gourds would be dropped from lvl 50 Team and we would have to wait till lvl 60 for the Books, which were unlocked at lvl 50. While I have done only two rounds of Team since hitting lvl 50 and that's not a lot of sample size, I still haven't seen a Gourd anywhere. My question is: Are the Gourds and/or Books rarer drops, or are they Tools that can be obtained by other methods? Thx, peace for now! :victory:

Note: Picture here for reference. I removed all my Tools and Team so I won't get judged. Want to focus on the Ninja Tools, not the Team! :P