2017-03-25 05:10:26
Ah, yes, an emergency loan, that is certainly a possible, valid and legit use case. That said, it's probably fairly rare for someone to be backed into a corner for that tiny bit of coupon. And I'd rather see it as its own feature rather than piggy backing on summoning rune thou.
In any case, 30 coupon a day, while not huge, is not insignificant. The game have been around for roughly 8 months, and if a transfer of 30 coupon is done daily, that adds up to 7200.
Yes, the plunder vs convoy difference is bigger, up to 4 times bigger, which I have always pointed out to be a problem in the system.
I made the CHOICE to not plunder when I can do so easily, because it feels wrong to me for a number of reasons. And for this choice, I am now down at least 5k, possibly 10k coupons. It's not something I'm happy about. If I ever quite the game, this is more likely the cause than anything else, let it be ptw beating me up, bad arena/masuri etc, because those I can understand and accept.
In any case, that's getting off topic. The root of the problem is, the illegitimate use case and impact of alt transferring coupon far outweighs the tiny legitimate use case of an emergency loan. And as such, it is extremely unlikely for them to change the chakra selling system.
In my opinion, Oas did that also to squeeze every cent they can get on every possible way. But to be honest, it's frustrating that no matter what we suggest the company won't make any changes, that's why I pointed out the fact that devs never implement any suggestions at all, no matter if thousands of players repeat the same thing again and again. *sigh*