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[ Suggestions ] Change the system on chakra rune trade


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-03-25 04:29:15Show All PostsDescending Order
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Today I tried to sell a chakra rune for some coupons and to my bitter surprise it says ppl need to buy the rune with ingots so I receive the coupons. WTH? Asking for ingots over chakra runes is *. Same goes for convoy, when you want to do 2 ss convoys you need to spend ingots. Pls change that silly rule so we can get ss convoy with coupons and also obtain chakra runes with coupons.
Although to be honest I don't think this will ever happen cuz whatever players suggest it never gets implemented. :LOr better yet instead of ingots/coupons for extra ss convoy why not charge coins? Wishful thinking :/
This post was last edited by 101***@facebook at 2017-3-25 04:32
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-03-25 04:45:24Show All Posts
  • PraiseLuka On 2017-03-25 04:36:07
  • Alts
    that's the reason why many things are the way they are. Technically against the rules so they should be banned and not be a problem, but it's complicated and time consuming to catch them all (and if they actually start to try catching them, people will actually spend effort hiding them, which makes it more complicated and time consuming). So features in game must be made as alt-proof as possible.

    In any case, chakra runes are for the group, sure you get coins out of it but it's insignificant. So why the heck are you selling it for coupons? Exchange is the way it should go. Tbh, even if buying for coupon is possible, very few REAL player would buy it, because it's not worth it for personal gain and it doesn't actually make a difference from the group prospective (unless someone REALLY want the rank 1 on chakra contribution) So in honesty, if exchange with just coupons were put in place, the only people who will use it are those who are effectively sending coupons from their alts to their main, that is not a good thing.
I just did it once cuz I really needed the coupons and a friend was willing to help me this time. Also is harder to get coupons cuz I can't do plunder yet, I'm too low on power for that. As for alts, honestly the amount of coupons we get from trade is meager compared to how much players get on plunders. Also you only get to trade for coupons 1 time everyday.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-03-25 09:08:14Show All Posts
  • AhMazeln On 2017-03-25 06:36:20
  • Oh, you're one of those who wants to try to get some easy ingots by selling your chakra runes for em eh?
ehm, you don't get ingots, it actually converts the ingots into coupons for the other player, and no I don't want free ingots, if I wanted them I would buy them myself. But I'm not interested in paying for such a buggy game as it is.:L And this is all way off topic.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-03-25 09:10:02Show All Posts
  • BabaKsA On 2017-03-25 06:45:47
  • i did buy once from a lower level player in our group since i put crap team on protecting, but even the guy was surprised because we were more into testing out the functions. but yea i agree that it should stay as it is for not being abused.
I suppose there will always be ppl trying to go the easy way, I never tried this thing out, this was my first time and that's why I tried to see how it worked, but oh well.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-03-25 09:15:55Show All Posts
  • PraiseLuka On 2017-03-25 05:10:26
  • Ah, yes, an emergency loan, that is certainly a possible, valid and legit use case. That said, it's probably fairly rare for someone to be backed into a corner for that tiny bit of coupon. And I'd rather see it as its own feature rather than piggy backing on summoning rune thou.

    In any case, 30 coupon a day, while not huge, is not insignificant. The game have been around for roughly 8 months, and if a transfer of 30 coupon is done daily, that adds up to 7200.
    Yes, the plunder vs convoy difference is bigger, up to 4 times bigger, which I have always pointed out to be a problem in the system.

    I made the CHOICE to not plunder when I can do so easily, because it feels wrong to me for a number of reasons. And for this choice, I am now down at least 5k, possibly 10k coupons. It's not something I'm happy about. If I ever quite the game, this is more likely the cause than anything else, let it be ptw beating me up, bad arena/masuri etc, because those I can understand and accept.

    In any case, that's getting off topic. The root of the problem is, the illegitimate use case and impact of alt transferring coupon far outweighs the tiny legitimate use case of an emergency loan. And as such, it is extremely unlikely for them to change the chakra selling system.
In my opinion, Oas did that also to squeeze every cent they can get on every possible way. But to be honest, it's frustrating that no matter what we suggest the company won't make any changes, that's why I pointed out the fact that devs never implement any suggestions at all, no matter if thousands of players repeat the same thing again and again. *sigh*
Quicky Post

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