That first team is an annoying/deadly lineup unless your lineup is tanky and/or includes a healer.

Sasuke can override any kage barrier ninja. Being immune thanks to root passive, mean even if you bring someone like Ao/Neji - have to time it exactly or else its wasted.
Main goes strategically towards the end of round 2, paralyzing the whole team so it can't combo in round 3. And usually 2 round is enough to take out atleast 1 ninja. Battles become very one sided after that.
Its totally fine that not evey team can counter others. But its surprising how effective this team is against most other teams. In a battle between similar power, this one dominates others most of the time.
One counter is running Azure-sailor sakura lineup. Helps to survive 2 round blitzs, and then poison stats doing its work.
Would love to hear other inputs.