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[ Help ] Rare in Jinchuuriki treasures


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-03-22 12:37:31Show All Posts
Judging by Fu Kenson's video: Yagura (and Bee?) is a Rare in the Roshi treasure, while Utakata and Fu are the Han treasure rares.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-03-23 13:14:39Show All Posts
  • AkashaMoka On 2017-03-22 12:39:38
  • He did ask for Normal ninjas, not rare.
"What exactly are the rares in the upcoming Jinchuuriki treasures? Everyone knows the super rares but I have heard next to nothing about the list of all the rares."

and then the next one (which seems to have confused you)

"Well I know that reanimated is next but since im planning on pulling in jin treasures I would like to know what the normal rares are."

A Super Rare is han/roshi. A Rare or Normal Rare (he used strange wording so I see how you got confused) is one of the 60 pulls. You seem to think he is asking about the common 10 pull ninjas.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-03-23 13:17:34Show All Posts
  • JustAClone On 2017-03-22 14:58:54
  • they merged reanimated treasures for German servers, didn't they?
    they'd probably merge the Jinchurikis too. boo hoo
A lot of people don't understand what this merged treasure is for Reanimated. China had this same thing too, it is a temporary treasure (think of the first mini-kage treasure we got with gaara). It shouldn't last long and it has some otherwise common ninjas (for it's respective treasures) at rarer rates - meaning it's a worse deal over all. After jinchuriki comes out we will get the proper, split reanimation treasures.
At least that is my understanding of it.
Quicky Post

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