This is just an update on my server (S232 Sand Hell) current situation:
How many active players do you have in your group? (ahem, in your server)
The answer is: no word can describe it, the picture can explain it itself
The picture was taken at 12:17 PM (not at night, OK)
How can you guys ask us to be patient while there is nothing for us to do in this game?
Don't say I am too hard on you guys, or I made stuff up.
Last week, OasisAmbassador came to our server and collecting the information about the merge. However, we have not heard anything from him.
If you guys don't want my server to get merge, at least give us some reasons behind your decision.
Thank you

This post was last edited by htb*** at 2017-3-23 01:39
This post was last edited by htb*** at 2017-3-23 01:41
This post was last edited by htb*** at 2017-3-23 01:41