I'm currently having Wind main. And she is basically my first main, I have never changed. I'm still new to team building... so I'm not familiar with Water main set ups.
Recently got GNW Tenten, and she is supposed to be awesome to have... so I thought maybe I will change to Water.
But I have noooo clue how to build a team with the ninjas I currently have. (Struggled so hard to set up team for Wind already)
Since there can be 3 team slots.
#1 I could have one team for PvP. To make the strongest I can.
#2 But since Sasori is my favorite character. I want to include him in my secondary PvP/PvE team (I know he is mostly only good in ranked, but I wanna have him in team.)
Would apprechiate if you guys could help me with 2 teams with water main based onmy available units, including ninja talents n' stuff.
One for general PvP and one with Sasori in.