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[ Ninja Exam ] Azure Fang Ninja Exam 115 Alternative Formation


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-03-20 11:46:55Show All PostsDescending Order
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First thing first,
Azure's mystery and standard I chose was her 4th skill, Skewering and Monster Strength. But in Simulator that I screenshot is not yet updated. The reason I chose Monster Strength, that was because high chance to do High Float in 1 punch other than Flowing Whip, which it's hard to get 3-hit knockdown. I, personally felt like Azure was the easiest one to pass this exam when I tried all mains for fun, due to her debuffs.
Summon: Dog of Hell or little dog.
Round 1 1. Hinata – this allows all enemy units to attack Hinata. 2. Azure’s punch should kill 1 clone in front of her with Guy’s help, or if her punch was crit she should kill Breeze’s clone alone. 3. Naruto will attack Jiraiya. Watch his HP this is where you will success.
Round 2
Jiraiya’s HPScenario 1
1. Azure’s Skewering - Watch Jiraiya hp from Round 1, if his hp was dropped down to 13k. This is where from Azure’s attack and chase will kill Jiraiya 2. Guy’s kick on Jigokudo to stop Jiraiya’s revival.
Scenario 2 High chance of winning.
1. Jiraiya’s hp dropped down to 7k due to crit chance, poison tai stack and Guy did full attack from round 1. Jiraiya will die when round 2 starts 2. Azure’s Skewering on Naruto.
Round 3. Back to normal state 1. Naruto on Jigokudo. Kill this guy asap. He will probably die Round 4.
Round 4. 1. Either Azure or Naruto on Naruto. If Azure still survives by this round you win. Their Naruto won’t be able to attack forever due to chaos every round. 2. Guy’s kick on Breeze. 3. Hinata’d probably die by now.
For me the hardest part is the chance of Guy will live. If u r in scenario 2 that will easy. Scenario 1 your Guy will get attack by Naruto twice. He could die from second attack but if he survives you win.
I used this team to pass many exams with Azure. It's crazy how simple team can win the game.

This post was last edited by Petrichor
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