Just an fyi. For the first point. If someone with say 75k in power is qued and waits over 1 minute. Then the next closest queing is 50k power, what would happen is everyone would get instant fights except the 75k who will then be in que for 20minutes+ and.
However if you add on if one players que is 5minutes+ then they will be matched with anyone. That could then solve the problem. Still though, ive heard this point made alot, and I know i could explain it a bit better, but all your asking with response to it is for high powered people to never fight anyone ever. Not sure how thats fair to them at all.
Point 2: Honestly a great idea. If someone gets roflstomped by someone 15k+ they get an extra attempt basically. Sounds like this would make everyone happy. You'd lose the same but you wouldn't feel so angry.