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[ Events ] Mei


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-03-16 19:17:42Show All Posts
  • TakafumiNaito On 2017-03-16 18:57:35
  • I do not know whether mei is worth 13k, because the worth of the ninja depends solely on you. That being said I can tell you what is good and bad about Mei so you can make your own choice :

    (Keep in mind she is attainable in Seal Treasure too, so you may get her for free with luck)

    Mystery :
    Overall, Mei is a very decent ninja. Her mystery attack costs 60 chakra, has 1 turn battle cooldown, and can be used again after 2 rounds. Mystery will attack 7 opponents, and ignite all the targets (which is very good) also low float on the main target.

    Damage from the mystery is decentish, nothing game changing, but not weak either.

    Standard :
    Standard attack is both Tai and Nin, damage is decent, and will cause acupuncture if she does 3 hits.

    Chase :
    Chases knockdown, causes low float and immobilize - awesome chase. (not very damaging, but I do not think it matters that much in this case)

    Passives :
    1. Mei deals 25% increased damage to male characters. I haven't really noticed it in combat, but incresed damage is always good.
    2. Zone... And that's probably the only thing where I do not know what to think of her.

    Auto zone (so you will only have it if you have higher initiative, only for 3 rounds and can't be re-cast) gives buff of 40% to 9 fire or water ninjas in your entire team, and befoe first action Mei takes in the round when the zone is active, will poison two enemies dealing okayish damage (like half her standard)

    Mei is great in : Ranked combat, Very short 1v1 battles, 9tails. But definitely less good in : Long 1v1 fights, world bosses lasting more than 3 rounds. GNW is somewhere in between these two, very much depends on your opponents.
    Enemies with higher initiative, having normal zone casters, or genjutsu mirror thingy are annoying to deal with. This post was last edited by TakafumiNaito at 2017-3-16 19:02
Mystery damage is decent yes, but she does it up to 7 opponents and ignites (does damage and prevents healing), that alone sky rockets in team battles like Ranked and GNW, not to mention it destroys clone teams. It also does Water and Fire damage.

Add that to the 25% against males (most ninjas are males, not that usual to see *l female opponent), yes you do notice it if done right, aka stack crit on her like hell and it can wipe a team to under 50% HP with ease.

there are ways to improve her and really take max advantage of her damage, like adding GNW 1010 that will up her crit for 3 rounds, having teams that create extra c*ra to allow her to mystery round 2.

The barrier is a double edge sword, yes it can be dispelled, but you c*so have 3 Mei in a GNW setting and the barrier will apply to the 3 giving 3 poinson passives for 3 turns, and if you use the group summon at the end of the round 3 it will reapply for another 3 turns.

Even without the barrier she is worth it by her usefullness and its hard to take her down because she has a decent resistance and a crazy amounght of like, over 2k life growth, so to kill her most opponents will have to waste 2 or 3 full combos on her
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 34
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On 2017-03-16 19:27:07Show All Posts
  • zedunes On 2017-03-16 19:18:21
  • I've been using her for months now .. and she's really great.
    Fire/Water barrier, immobilizes, accupunctures, ignites, deals "high damage", buffs males, low cd,

    You c*e her with ao which is an ordinary Kage ninja and you'll be able to use her 60 chakra mystery round 2 for sure (unless you meet chakra *ers)

    And people are still using her in late stages of the game.

    And if you get lucky and get Chojuro too .. you'll use the mist team (Ao, Chojuro and mei + Gamaken) which i use and find very balanced.

    So bro, if Hidan is around 12K / 15K in events (and he's not worth it imo) Mei is worth 13K for sure !
correction she doesn't buff males, she does extra damage against males
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