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[ Bugs ] [Strong Approaching + Team Instance] Reset Issues


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-03-17 08:45:03Show All Posts
Server ID: S311 lightning plough
UID: 200000096806350
Server Time Zone: NY
In-game name: ChangJungSu

Server ID: S311 lightning plough
UID: 200000100264647
Server Time Zone: NY
In-game name: AltGaming
P.S. devs.
some numbers for you, On ChangJungSu, I am doing SA for the advance cloth right now, finishing 6 difficult gives 18 advance cloth (1134 coupons) a few medium cloths 0-3 a run (0-114 coupons) and 35k TI gives yellow tools that i use to reforge 25 runs = 25 yellow tools. (cant be bought unless you have it in an event, and if so its ingots not coupons). And the compensation was 100 coupons, stam pot, and a seal scroll . . . 225 coupons 10 ingot value ... i hope that isnt the compensation for the loss that people have suffered from this bug. Its hard enough to keep up with my peers who are p2w, this makes it worse cause most my peers on my server was not affected.
This post was last edited by 102***@facebook at 2017-3-18 09:27
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