yup bro but next defence is - ITS ALREADY A FKINGS WATER TEAM THE MAIN JUST HAS TO HEAL ROUND 2 AND MABOOOOOY (she really is my boy) can still do her stuff.
To the topic guy, remove mabois passive and she is no longer my boy, she could be placed in the shops next to kabuto and the other f2p ninjas. Her mystery is "crap" except in Hidan/Sarutobi/Oro cases - dmg vice crap. Her mystery is nice to use for accupuncturing a specific ninja (backrow ninjas) if u also have Mei.
As for you crying, your crying mostly because of Arena on our server im the only one using this setup as pvp and one guy laughted of me because "you have all the other ninjas" but hey i love the 1click woop a team more then wait for round 2-3. + Even with 30k power more i dont do that much vs lightning teams, and if they are on RoW GL.
As for your crying i have a screenshot of a guy that surprised me * a lot with a close to f2p team as lightning main. I did not use tenten because i got tired of her and wanted to play the poison/ignite/heal game instead + having a bit of controll on who i acc + lots of healing. anyway it was a "troll" team but i had the barriare on my side for 1 round. The guy was running RoW and well Tenten wouldnt be able to paralyze them round 1, my main wouldnt be able to poison them with the king of hell, round 2 mei wouldnt be able to use her mystery because the guy knew how to play.
And fyi this is the "anti-tenten-maboi-wm-mei" team. also people using hashirama (ofc thats a p2w ninja but just saying).

im pretty sure if i did run a maboi/tenten/mei/watm team there i would not be able to win.