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[ Lineup ] Mabui's passive


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-03-11 03:12:18Show All PostsDescending Order
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WHO THE HELL THOUGHT IT WAS A GOOD IDEA TO LET MABUI HAVE THAT PASSIVE WHY CAN YOU USEE , MEI MABUI AND GNW TENTEN IN 1 FREAKING ROUND DO SOME * BALANCE CHANGES THANK YOU VERY MUCH :@ ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

This post was last edited by Rekkles at 2017-3-11 03:15
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-03-11 03:24:22Show All Posts
  • Hinu Hyuga On 2017-03-11 03:22:35
  • I'm sorry, and couldn't hear you over all the yelling. What is it that you don't like?
GNW Tenten , Mabui , Mei c*e their mystery all on second round is that fukin balanced excuse me ?
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-03-11 16:26:22Show All Posts
  • PraiseLuka On 2017-03-11 07:41:32
  • Lightning main can replace standard attack for chakra
    wind main can gain chakra from chase
    water main can gain chakra from death (granted, this team have no summon/clones so that might be difficult)
    earth main have a mystery that gives 40 chakra
    fire main have a chakra generator passive similiar to mabui(but only 20)

    So technically all of them can do it.
    The question is why would they waste a skill slot doing it, when they could have just used GNW tenten on turn 1 and avoided the problem altogether.
Becauseeee i stop tenten round1 but then water main heals on round 2 and they c*e all of their mystery's iruka's interrupt is f * ? water main does her mystery on 0.001 sec no way of me stoping her interrupts are useless vs pompt mystery.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-03-13 01:28:10Show All Posts
  • BabaKsA On 2017-03-13 01:25:09
  • your wrong mei casts 2nd round + u have spare chakra. nvm sorry bro u already considered maboy dead. This post was last edited by BabaKsA at 2017-3-13 01:36
Listen here you smart boy i stop tenten round 1 k i do it then on round 2 she c*e water main heal , mabui mystery , mei mystery and tenten mystery how the hell do i counter that without going lighting . Iruka's interrupt is useless the whole interrupt system is useless vs mysteries which are prompt.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-03-13 02:39:31Show All Posts
  • Sourav On 2017-03-13 02:04:48
  • This is the typical setup of Azure-mei-mabui-tenten lineup:

    It's a quite annoying lineup in arena where both poison/ignition plays a big role and this team can do both.
    Here main have heal in both standard and mystery.

    As for how this team works:
    1) You acupunture/immobile tenten round 1, mabui heals her and then she goes, dealing AoE dmg which also does poison.
    2) You acupunture mabui, she heals and tenten goes. You immobile mabui, main heals her and then she and tenten goes round 1.

    On round 2, if you lose to mabui in terms of initiative, she c*e her mystery and generate enough chakra for mei to go. If you somehow manage to immobile/acupunture mei/mabui here, main can cast heal and then they will go as usual. Because of having 2 healer debuffs such as poison/ignition doesn't work well against this team, whereas this lineup can keep doing stackable poison damage.
    In short, using cc on this team can be really tricky.

    One easy counter can be to bring a manual barrier ninja and remove mei barrier round 1. but even then, things doesn't bemore to easier. Both tenten/mei and myetery that has 2 round cd. As long as main is alive team will keep doing poison damage. Ig mabui is alive then tenten-mei can have enough chakra for mystery.

    Not everyone plays as MB to run RoW. if you are using other teams, how do you counter it? using which lineup?
    Maybe a elaborate answer with steps will help quite a few people here, as this team is very very effective in arena where our stats are reduced.
    Thank you. Waiting for some good answers.
AIDS team dont people realise that they have 2 healers ? Even if you cc them they will get healed and do everything as usual .
Quicky Post

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