Hello there! So we got Cursed hidan on this events, roughly 1 frag cost 190 coupons I need advice is this event is actually good to invest for gettin cursed hidan frags? Maybe on other events he was way cheaper?
Best ninja to buy if you are in a situation where its better for you to buy ninjas instead of power.
He might reoccur in the lucky board or in conjuction with a spending event (like balloons), so tbh I would just top up for him now (since the topup event is pretty good), but buy him later when he can be bought for better value.
he is lying cursed hidan is never free in china he is just speculating..why would such an op ninja be free he is endgame so no
Technically he isn't wrong he can be acquired for free, so can every ninja. It will just take you longer to piece them together through events rather than buying them straight out.