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[ Help ] Naruto MMO Late game


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-08-11 22:42:58Show All Posts
  • YuriScarlet On 2016-08-11 19:28:33
  • Hopefully someone here can give you what the current cap is at the moment. I don't think free to play players will ever reach the cap to compete fairly as updates will just keep increasing the level cap. Free to play players will most likely be the underdogs no matter what. trust me, don't listen to some people here. That medal, and Monday events with alot of Stam pots can give players a great advantage over everyone. You'll have a hard time competing with people who already get so much experience for being #1 on the event ladder like nine tails. You'll be an underdog for a long time. Higher level players seems to have a greater advantage since it seems they have skill priority over someone whose a lower level, which is a great deal since many players can get there ninja killed in 1 turn or 2.
What's the point of playing it if u need hundreds of dollar just to be competitive? Cuz I dont see any event that is not for being competitive and the pve is just to lvl up cuz is not really fun. Explain how you enjoy the game then?
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