^Midnight Blade :
Team Instance, Group Instance, Great Ninja War, Ranked :
Midnight blade
Danzo / Gakido / Jikokudo / Asuma WB / Konan
Depending on how offensive or defensive you wanna be and if you fight real players or Ai.
Talents :
Lighnting Armour
Calm Mind
Enhancement of Lightning Style/ Anbu Special Assault Tactics
Bloodthirsty demon/Clone
Description :
This team is around 1st turn Tendo and is perfect for the modes GI, TI, GNW and Ranked Battle.
The base is midnight blade with calm mind who can generate up to 80 chakra 1st turn and Tendo Pain.
The rest of the team, talents and combos needs to be adjusted for different situations.
For example if you wanna run Tendo Jigokudo and Gakido which is very good lineup for Gnw, which is good cause you can protect your tendo and support your team mates too, you have to run
Lightning Armour, Calm mind and bloodthirsty demon to generate 80 Chakra first turn.
If you run for example a full damage team like Tendo, Asuma WB and Danzo you dont need to run bloodthirsty demon and can run
a clone instead cause you get 20 Chakra from Asuma WB.
(Tendo destroys Danzos barrier between but if you need 1st round high damage he is still viable)
A nice thing with Gakido is too that you can get the Tendo skill 100% off cause he cant be interrupted naturally and
if you buff him with Gakido he cant be acupuntured too, which is probably a must when you fight other players with this team.
1st PvP Team if your faster and get your passive Barrier:
Root of warrior Team cause its the strongest team a lighning main can run
It seems you are able to spend money so i suggest you something :
As i already wrote you in pm you dont have one of the big 4 in 1v1 (Susanoo brothers, Hidan BDP and 6 Tails Naruto)
So i suggest you get Hidan from the actual event.
Price : - (3-star)
- 4,400 points. 734 keys - 1,467 keys. 7,340 ingots - 14,670 ingots.
- Average keys = 1,101 keys. Average ingots = 11,010ingots.
He will boost you very much!
If you wanna get him you run Danzo, Midnight Blade, Hidan
As 4th Member î suggest Kimimaro from your ninjas
( A future improvement would be Mifune to get rid of opposing shields and RoW 2nd Turn or
Killer Bee to give Hidan 2 Standard Attacks and make Him not getting interrupted)
Talents :
Lightning Sealing slash
Lightning Assassin Sword
Lai Giri Decapitation
Anbu Special Assault tactics/Killing Intention of Warrior
Root of Warrior
Summon Serpent
You have the chance to trigger with Midnight blade and Kimimaro Standard attacks a combo which leads into Immobilize
Your Kimimaro skill leads into Immobilize too
Midnight Blades skill is to interrupt opposing barrier user 1st turn and via danzo passive you can do hidans skill too
first round
Additionally your lightning main attacks with his standard the lowest hp first, aka clones, so the chance hidan will attack main ninjas after it is higher too and you probably get danzos extra chakra easy.
and via danzos passive you often will be able to do kimimaros skill 2nd round , beside that you additionally have danzos izanagi if you think aninja dies this turn
2nd pvp team if your slower and cant get barrier of against your opponent:
You want to destroy opposing passive barriers so you wanna run tendo 1st round team (see above)
Midnight Blade with calm mind + Tendo + Gakido so he cant be acupuntured from ao and stuff + Konan or ningendo/both fit well into this team, its probably which you like more. Combos and summons needs to be adjusted depending on which 4th member you choose.
To buy hidan is actually the fastest and cheapest way to boost you really high in 1v1 and i highly recommend to get him if the money dont hurts you
Regards, riddle
PS : if your interested in closer conversation about the teams or for other mains just pm me, i dont wanna put much effort into making teams for everything post it here and in the end you already have your teams.
If you dont wanna buy hidan i suggest you to switch main anyways cause your best ninjas are good with other mains.
This post was last edited by Riddle1206 at 2017-3-10 19:36