If you want to absolutely demolish people and never let them do anything, let me introduce you to the comp that has cemented my 1# position on my server:
GNW Ino - Fire Main - Clone
Danzo - Iruka - X
X - X - X
Summon: Dog of Hell
Talents: 2-3-2-2-1
Main: +nin - atk
Iruka: +atk - nin
Danzo: +nin - atk
Ino: +res -atk
This is a *, all out Chaos-control team. If your main moves faster than them and they are not running a RoW team = you win.
If your main moves faster and the DO run a RoW team = you most likely win, since they still cant use any mysteries.
However it is very important that your main moves first, since only that will guarantee that you will dismantle their team.
You might think that it cannot hold ground vs RoW teams. But it does. It will still be able to interrupt their jutsus. Ino still has heal and dispel. Iruka still has interrupt. Iruka still has heals. Iruka and Danzo have huge growth rates. main is generally hard to nuke down due to decent growth rates and the clone infront of him. And Ino is safely tucked in the backline and Mooded defensively. If you will be able to access Swimsuit Ino later, this team will become very potent even against RoW teams, because then it will easily survive for 2 rounds. After 2 rounds RoW teams will be just as shafted as any other team.
This team itself is running Genjutsu mirror and dispel on Ino, so its well designed to counter other control teams. Acupuncture doesnt work, since its either reflected or dispelled.
The reason why this team is so good, is because the synergy is very, very good. Danzo buffs everyone but Ino, and she isn't there for the damage, but for the chaos and dispel (to some extent heal too, but your enemy shouldn't be causing major damage). Izanagi will frustrate the living hell out of them if used correctly. To top this off, Iruka on #2 position will most usually be able to interrupt most threats, like barriers or backline nukers. _You will want to stack up Initiative only on Main and Iruka. But main is the crux of the team. If he is faster, you're likely to win (in a very stylish fashion, if I may add). They'll be lucky to kill your clone if they dont run any cc-immune characters.
And here's the big cheese.
Every. Single. Attack. And half your mysteries lead to chaos.
Iruka comboes off standard? Chaos.
Danzo's attack repels a character? Chaos.
Main's Clone attacks? Chaos.
Main uses mystery? Chaos.
Ino uses mystery? ... Well chaos xD
And to add to that, before Danzo attacks he also chaoses a dude infront of him.
But you need Dog of Hell. Shiba is infinitely inferior, because the double chase on summon enables you to chaos 2 people in a round. Top that with Ino and Danzo barrier and theoretically you can just disable their whole team.
If you want to upgrade this team you can get Swimsuit Ino, which makes the team even more obnoxious because of the +defense for your team, and -resistance for your enemy, she provides.
I really urge you to try this team, its pretty * amazing!
EDIT: Added picture of talents.
PS: The combo simulator shows is actually incorrect. This team does a 6-combo. The simulator doesnt take into account Ino's chase (granted it doesnt deal damage), or Iruka's 10-chase.
This post was last edited by PervySennin at 2017-3-11 03:30