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[ Lineup ] Help me to choose Best available F2P & P2W comp & Win Ingots


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-03-10 06:25:41Show All Posts
i only really know watermain so ill * with that:

Pretty straight forward team you have acupunture on turn 1 from ao if you need it but you c*so save it for turn 2 (you have enough chakra to use it too)
Turn 2 you initiate with sage naruto, imobile and acupuncture the main target (both are good because it can happen that one of those gets resisted) and spread poison on the whole team. With sage narutos passiv you even have enough chakra to use aos mystery if you need to interrupt 2 targets. Turn 3 you finish them off with mei.
Now for talent you have 2 choices here:
1. it uses water enhancement for more dmg from mei and ao (dont underestimate ao dmg he can easily finish of enemys with his mystery if you dont need the interrupt)
this one uses healing tip for more sustain, but if you are top 10 on your server you probably wont need it and are better off with the water enhancement
For summon Gamaken is perfect and you use all your chases for every attack/mystery.For Tactics you use Ghostkill here.

1 thing you need to do for better clone placement is place naruto on the field first than main (so that water enhancement goes on mei and ao and those clones cannt steal the buff) after that it doesnt matter in what order you place ao or mei. Your clones should be set up like this on the picture above: naruto clone infront of naruto (1) to have the biggest shield infront of him and ao clones go on the other 2 spots in the 1st lane (2 and 3) .

edit: well actually i did play wind for a bit and used a similar team like Cyonion but with Gakido instead of Ningendo

I personally like Gakido a lot more because this team suffers against control teams (Acupunctur or Imobile), like Cyonion already stated if you Naruto gets controled turn 1 and the enemy can initiate on your wind main turn 2 you are kinda dead in the water, but with Gakido you completly counter that. Gakidos mystery on Turn 1 on Sage Naruto gives him a big shield and more importantly makes him immune to Control. Gakido is also really important against poison damage because Gaaras shields dont help against that.

For talents:

Those are the talents i would suggest you but you do have a little bit of leeway here.
There are 2 choices for the Mystery:
1. Dance of Impetus: to reset your cooldowns and it also clears all debuffs (which you dont really need because of gakido)
2. Sage Art Sand Dust: to debuff 3 enemys on turn 1
In my opinion Dance of Impetus is stronger but Sand Dust does have its merits against heavy buff teams and root of the warrior lightning teams

and there are 3 choices for the last passiv:
1. Shadowclones: they gives you 3 bodys (1 in front of gaara and 2 on the 1st lane) which can take a little bit of dmg off of your team
2. *y Harem Jutsu: blinds male ninjas (they cannot use there standart attack on turn 1) which can be really strong against lightning main teams without root of the warrior, but it c*so be completly useless against mostly female teams or immune teams
3. Natural Draining: it gives you 15 chakra everytime your wind main activates a chase (summon counts too)
My choice here would be Natural Draining because it lets you use Sage Narutos and Gaaras Mystery on Turn 2 and with Dance of Impetus you can reset that cooldown and do the same on Turn 3 again

For summon Dog of Hell is needed to chain all your chases together, it gives you full combochain on Sage Naruto and Gaara mystery and Sage Naruto and Windmain Standartattack, Gaaras Standartattack only has 4 chases but it includes his imobile chase if for example infront of Naruto is a target with Superarmor or a clone
For Tactics you use Sun Move here. Sage Naruto, Gaara and Windmain stand on +Ninjutsu fields and Gakido stands on +Resistence field to increase the shield from his mystery

This post was last edited by Syldor at 2017-3-10 07:11
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-03-10 21:49:04Show All Posts
why is everyone trying to add tendo pain to a pvp / arena team? He isnt good there, he is a beast in ranked battles and GNW(if you have 3 players using him) but he is pretty bad in 1vs1 battles.

and to all talking about baki and lee, i guess he is only trying to push his power in rankings because those are his 5 star ninjas
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-03-10 23:41:33Show All Posts
  • Riddle1206 On 2017-03-10 23:30:06
  • Tendo gets actually viable in 1v1 when you are against an opponent with higher init and passive barrier. When this cir*stance is given + you c*e him 1st round he adds enough that he becomes viable.
    And i say this from a perspective where i have real experience using tendo, hashirama, ssasuke, raikage and even sitachi. And i have experience with fighting against 6 tails.
no he is not viable in 1vs1 battles pls show me your account or battles where he does what you say

i looked you up on server 306 you have 35k power and only free ninjas, on server 384 you have 20k power and none of the ninjas you where talking about. If you really have experience show it otherwise please stop writing about stuff you have no idea what you are talking about.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-03-11 05:08:12Show All Posts
  • BlazexS49 On 2017-03-11 04:26:43
  • First off, guys, you won't see those 25k ingots cause 1. his account isn't worth even 25k ingots, you think he would give someone else so much? 2. it's forbidden to exchange ingots to someone else 3. even if you want to gamble, you need to give him your account access so he could put his credit card and recharge which is also forbidden.

    Even without the bait, people would help you with formations if you need them :)
oh no i dont think i will see any but i like building teams anyway, well you could do it with gift cards or something nothing illegal there This post was last edited by Syldor at 2017-3-11 05:09
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