They make new servers because that's where new players will join, a small balancing thing in order for newcomers to have chances of growing, because...this game is out of balance in the first place, tons of things promoting pay to win players, promotes you to spend that money in many ways by breaking game and turning it into unbalanced *hole, and that way making pay to win players see a "reason" in how this game "works" and considers all fine, and everyone is just "noob" and "primates" that supposedly have "no idea" how this game works. Because it is so out of balance, and promotes pay to win players by a lot, and uses tons of events for players to spend their money, this way newcomers wont have to fight top leveled players, despite the fact that the unbalance is such that even 20 level difference at higher levels is super high, because of the power rating idea that does not practically separates players, which should, but it doesn't.