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[ Lineup ] Ninjas that should be nerfed


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On 2017-03-11 10:46:20Show All Posts
  • ✪SalBoi On 2017-03-09 09:29:41
  • I dont agree with the "balanced" part, you can be in a 2 month old server facing guys in server 1 who has several months worth of refines that will decide the match, yes ofc ninjas are rly important and strategy aswell but when facing a guy that just outpowers you hard you have little you can do.
true initiative matters. But then as for ranked i do agree and respect ur way of thinkin, as for normal arena it shouldnt really matter. Why?

Lets say your server 300, and they make it so 1-100/101-200/201-300/300+
are bulked together. That makes the time between each fight much longer. As for free arena i dont see the mixture being a problem, but for ranked arena i do agree they should bulk up server groups. But then again (my personal complain, when i did ranked after the reset it was times where i had to wait up to 10min+ for battles, and sometimes i lost just because i did other stuff :P other times i came "just in time" or a bit later, but i do have the initiative advantage so i guess it "makes" up the battledifference)." But yea there isnt really a "good" way to even this out.

If we bulk up servers, the waiting time will be longer. If we stay as we stay older f2p will have advantage over new f2p, if we go by power. Then again it will never be "fair" you cant expect someone with 100% the same initiative as you to come, just making the game that way would make u wait 1hr for a battle at least. And then i can place myself as one of the highest with totla initiative on EU who could "match" up to those stats? im 80k+ bp wether i meet a person that has 30k bp or 60k bp in arena doesnt really matter or even 70k. Im hm 28.6 or 8 k i think in arena and so far the closest iv meet is 27,8/9. something not sure exact number, but i dont always look at the difference only when someone types oh look at the difference.

If im not wrong the reason why ex. i had to wait on arena a lot sometimes was maybe because i was one of the highest in the ranking part (on our way to 6path) so i had to wait for people to catch up, i ended up having many repeative people so i guess its a bit based on that. And an advantage as for Arena would be let the P2W/Old f2p fini* first, the first couple of weeks, do it a couple times a day and see for your self if the people are like 1k more power or around you and go from there. As for matsuri i have nothing to defend myself with except for i would have to wait maybe 10-20-30mins for a "close" power fight! But the odd thing was my first battle today in matsuri was vs a guy that only had 3ninjas left. Since its my first battle and i dont lose much more then the potions (and he asked for the win) i gave him that. But like on my last battle i had another guy that said "its my last battle" but honestly i didnt want to lose the team i used so i had to win, but yea its not fair at all when my 1010 can close to kill a 50k team round 1.

Not going against u but in general, its easy to ask for balanced stuff, but not that easy to actually make it happen. ex. matsuri would have to be changed, If a person has more power then you nerf the extra BP by lets say 50%. So a person that is 40k power meeting a person 50k power would face a person with 45k bp. I have lost vs people 5k power less then me so 5k power difference is not the "biggest" ofc its advantage but not the same as meeting someone 10k power more then you. In one battle i had like 36-38k power and was lvl 7x vs a lvl 8x 40k power +/- and first thing he siad to me was ur a p2w and thats ok idc about that part, but in this case i had brutforce on my side as for initiative i didnt really care at that time for that stuff. And according to this guy it was refiner that made up his power. Now that i see other 40k "f2p" ppl on our server, a lot of people like calling them f2p and pay from time to time. I cant really understand what that guy meant as p2w yes my stones were 4/5 back then and tactic 6/7 i guess (i think it was around this time the tactic came out). As for battlearmor it was 4-5/16. So yea in this case how would you balance the fight? Powervice accodring to the guy i was better but refiner vice he had the advantage. (he lost the fight).

As for nerfing characters (ninjas) your playing a game that is based on p2w:
- Ofc a 5kage ninja is better then a f2p ninja. As for mei being better then danzo, i dont agree 100% on that one. mei is good for water/fire danzo is good for lightning/fire. As for onoki he is just * imo, the good thing is the extra skill he gives but except for that no big use (+ the buffs) and he is (im still missing 5k garaa) iv done like 500-600+ pulls and i finaly got him, and i needed either him or Garaa for wind team. For Mei i got her in under 80scrolls. As for danzo i bought him when hidan came out and after that i kept getting him 1-2 times again -.- when i wanted darui to check out for lightning team. Did like 100pulls or less on the Sage Naruto and no luck so i was fk it im gonne buy him instead. I see people getting him from free pulls (f2p) but i cant complain for me its a cool way that f2p actually has a better chance then me on pulling ninjas out as it "evens/balances" stuff out a bit.
Quicky Post

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