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[ Events ] Review of recent changes


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-03-08 08:00:58Show All Posts
1. There are no players on s10 with power even close to 75k.

2. The timing of Arena and Matsuri is key in being able to adequately do them without getting unfairly matched. It works for Matsuri, not totally so much with Arena.

3. Merge has been requested for the purpose of inciting competition between player bases. The reason that servers are getting merged together is that they aren't getting to opportunity for intra-server events (Sage and convoy/plunder). I understand the flaws in the merging system and I see this type of comment about merges way too often, but the pros and cons of a merged server has to be considered along with the pros and cons of an un-merged server.

Quite often, as you have mentioned, actions are taken by management that aren't of the consensus of the population, but as management, those decisions are their discretion. Often times, there are other motivations that promote a decision, which may or may not involve feedback from those reporting to management.

Overall, there are other games out there that take action without consulting their player-base at all. The fact that OSAGames isn't that type of game and allows feedback from its players proves that they are open to criticism and suggestions.

Peace! :victory:
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