2017-04-04 05:01:59
I have to use my fire mains shield too if i want hashi to be completely immune to interupts. if u went RoW like Wataru and Maroner then it wouldn't effect you at all and you could just tear thru hashi round 2/3.
tho if you go root as well im going double heals to beat all 3 of you XD.
@op - my hashi lineup is
FM - Clone - Enma summon
Hashi - Bee - 3rd
x - x - x
use bee and FM shield to stop all forms of interupts/cc from effecting hashi so they cant prevent ur barrier(dont * shield if they cant interupt/cc u turn 1). hashi also will turn 1 immobile 2 people so turn 2 their combo usualy gets screwed even if they r faster than u. u can swap 3rd for sage naruto.
Yup, I'm still trying to find a inventive Counter, Makes it more fun ;)