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[ Lineup ] Help with Crimson Fist..


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-02-24 16:30:22Show All Posts
  • On 2016-08-26 06:29:25
  • there a big different ur team on my team.. if one of ur neji or kakashi die the combo will not rotate.. in my line up if 1 die on this team the combo will still continue + if the puppet survive longer u give poison + if kankuro do standard attack ur team will combo using lee u rely on RNG that he will high float the enemy. PS: There is many Hinata User and if ur using Lee u know what i mean but kankuro even if hinata use the shield kankuro can still connect a standard attack This post was last edited by 110***@google at 2016-8-26 06:34
crimson fist is not for combo though...

i suggest he/she would recruit 2 star lee, 2 star shikamaru, 2 star naruto... as we all know, lee has kind of low hp so he would likely be the target of the auto-players out there especially in rank battle and survival trial so you should control their hp. make shikamaru the target thus, lower his hp. you won't need him after the first round anyways.

why would you need shikamaru if you will not need him after the first round? it's simple. you need to counter hinata. hinata is most used in bandai coz her survival rate is 3X other ninjas so your foe would likely recruit her especially the lightning mains. after she used her defense, shikamaru will use his so her defense will be wasted. after the round, lee would definitely kill her coz his mystery will be used during that round. (this shows we don't need much from shikamaru. if your foe doesn't have hinata in his lineup, then change neji)

naruto will be your shield to defend lee from standard attacks. we all know he got high hp, def and res so he will be killed maybe not.
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