1. Server ID: S165 S168 S171
2. Server Region: US EAST
3. Server Age: +6month
4. Sage Battlefield: 3 out of 3 completed, but we dont get more than 50 people on a 3 server merged
5. Time taken to kill World Boss: less than 10 minutes (mostly because of me so its not a parameter)
6. No. of group participating in Great Ninja War: 4max but you just need to consider just 2 because the other 2 they dont get more than 10 people.
7. Average Power Rank of Top 5: 57k, Top 10: 51k, Top 20: 46k : i think the real average you need to take in count is mine and not the others.
we got merged already and in just a month we started dying again. Its most because of me, im 80k power p2w player. Im on the top 10 most powerfull persons on US servers. Events and even GNW lost all sense. Even for me its not fun to win the events. We really need to have another merge and you oasis friends need to take a look to this problem, servers with high p2w players unbalance too much the servers and even a 3 server merge did nothing on this situation. This post was last edited by mar***@hotmail.com at 2017-3-7 04:59 This post was last edited by mar***@hotmail.com at 2017-3-7 05:00