1. Server ID: S187
2. Server Region: HK
3. Server Age: Estimated 4 months
4. Sage Battlefield:10-15 participants per battlefield (Mount, Cave, Woods)
5. Time taken to kill World Boss: About 10 mins
6. No. of group participating in Great Ninja War: 3 Groups are participating but only 1 group is dominant and the other group seems to be happy anyway since they only have 6-7 online members so they happy with the amount of packs they getting every week
7a. Average Power Rank of Top 5: 47K
7b. Average Power Rank of Top 10: 45K,
7c. Average Power Rank of Top 20: 42k
Plundering got worse the other group forbade the members to do SS convoys so, won't be able to plunder anymore, we started getting bored and a lot of players already chatting about leaving the server, I hope that the merge will happen with an equal powered server
Thanks in advance This post was last edited by Darksider226 at 2017-3-16 01:42 This post was last edited by Darksider226 at 2017-3-16 01:44