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[ News ] Server Merge Request - 6th March


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 2
  • Posts: 37
On 2017-03-16 09:08:13Show All Posts
1. Server ID: S40
2. Server Region: NY
3. Server Age: 7+ months
4. Sage Battlefield: 3/3 complete but it's down to about 25 total people participating on a good day.
5. Time take to kill World Boss: roughly 8-10 minutes, depending on who's on.
6. No. of group participating in Great Ninja War: 2... and it's so boring to fight the same group for 2 rounds
7. Average Power:
Top 5: 62k Top 10: 51k Top 20: 39k

Idk how many times we're all going to have to request for this when you guys know which servers are dead and what not... This is such a tedious way of going about the merging process... You're losing more people at this rate.
Quicky Post

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