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On 2017-03-04 01:50:03Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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I'm from Temari Server 15, and I'm having a major power lacking problem. I'm a level 83, and I average around 28k of power and my peers who are around the same level as much, they're near 40k of power, and there are some level 70's who power is higher than mine and I don't understand when I've maxed everything out. Help?
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On 2017-03-04 01:59:36Show this Author Only
There's a few places to look:

1) Moods: Everyone should have/strive to have their main at 65% as you will always use them. Otherwise the bare minimum should be 25% on all the ninjas in your team. 10 mood scrolls are 150 coupons, so that's cheap.

2) Refines/Purifies: How do your refines look? All your refines should be minimum lvl 4 which means you're using med refine runes. Purifies scale with power, so as you refine, the better gains you'll see from purifies.

3) Tactics: Huge source of power. If you don't have them at least lvl 4, you should devote a lot of resources towards this.

4) Eight Gates: Underrated source. Remember to put Atk/Nin/Def/Res/Life on all your ninjas.

5) Ninja Tools: As you get stronger (and gain access to Uchiha TI), you'll get tools with nasty substats that will boost your power significantly.

6) Group Skills: These should be maxed fully. If they aren't, getting them there should be max priority.

7) Rune Stones: These should all be at least lvl 3. This can be built slowly, but are important.

8) Awakens: At lvl 83, all your ninjas should be awakened to red.

9) Ninja Stars: If you're using ninjas that can be farmed, devote stamina to getting them more stars.

10) Equipment Upgrades: Since these carry over no matter who you use, these should be maxed fully.
11) Battle Armor: If you aren't doing all 6 runs of SA difficult every week, you have to start. BA power gains are unreal.
This post was last edited by S95Leumas at 2017-3-4 02:00
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On 2017-03-04 02:12:20Show this Author Only
@4 personally I'm using damage reduction over def, and given that I plan to use init and crit, I can't have both. I also have combo for when that is "needed" to make a ninja trigger with normal hits. Of the 5 listed, def is probably the least useful. There have been mixed test results according to different people on the effect of damage reduction vs def. Direct comparison usually find them similar, but that makes damage reduction better because it also applies to nin damage.PS: control actually works. I only have one because it's a red, but it's always amusing when you shrug off their CC..... they rage so hard.

@6 maxing nin/tai pen is a questionable choice. It does give you power, which is good for qualifying for TI(you need 32k for the awesome one), but it doesn't help you in battle(according to test people have ran). In theory, masuri is supposed to match based on power once you hit 85, we all know the match making is shaky at best, but still, I'd like to MINIMIZE my power while having the most fighting strength possible. So those two are questionable upgrades (by the same token, I'm not equipping my injury runes, luckily those you can equip for the power boost for TI qualification and then un-equip when not needed)

@11 Try always do difficult, and for both SA, 2 person team (of similar level) is easier than one. In Hidan SA, only one person need to carry CC to stop the OP skills while the other can focus on damage, which makes it go much faster. In Hanzo, 2 person have lower combo per person requirement for stage 2&3, which is the most difficult part for most people. (combo requirement is 1>3>2). So if you have trouble doing difficult, get a tag team, don't waste chance on lower difficulty unless you can't find a partner and can't solo no matter what.
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On 2017-03-04 02:29:28Show this Author Only
  • PraiseLuka On 2017-03-04 02:12:20
  • @4 personally I'm using damage reduction over def, and given that I plan to use init and crit, I can't have both. I also have combo for when that is "needed" to make a ninja trigger with normal hits. Of the 5 listed, def is probably the least useful. There have been mixed test results according to different people on the effect of damage reduction vs def. Direct comparison usually find them similar, but that makes damage reduction better because it also applies to nin damage.PS: control actually works. I only have one because it's a red, but it's always amusing when you shrug off their CC..... they rage so hard.

    @6 maxing nin/tai pen is a questionable choice. It does give you power, which is good for qualifying for TI(you need 32k for the awesome one), but it doesn't help you in battle(according to test people have ran). In theory, masuri is supposed to match based on power once you hit 85, we all know the match making is shaky at best, but still, I'd like to MINIMIZE my power while having the most fighting strength possible. So those two are questionable upgrades (by the same token, I'm not equipping my injury runes, luckily those you can equip for the power boost for TI qualification and then un-equip when not needed)

    @11 Try always do difficult, and for both SA, 2 person team (of similar level) is easier than one. In Hidan SA, only one person need to carry CC to stop the OP skills while the other can focus on damage, which makes it go much faster. In Hanzo, 2 person have lower combo per person requirement for stage 2&3, which is the most difficult part for most people. (combo requirement is 1>3>2). So if you have trouble doing difficult, get a tag team, don't waste chance on lower difficulty unless you can't find a partner and can't solo no matter what.
4 - yeah there's an interesting discussion on the merits of damage redux vs. defense. I suggest defense since the BP formula gives more points for defense than damage redux.

6 - Yeah nin/tai pen doesn't do anything, but most people should have a surplus of group contributions, even if you spin the group wheel max times/day. If you have the spare contributions, just increase it since there's no point in hoarding them.
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On 2017-03-04 02:43:01Show this Author Only
Don't forgot that some players used money to get power too. If you are f2p it will take some time to get all those stats raised.
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On 2017-03-04 04:14:07Show this Author Only
  • cerro On 2017-03-04 02:43:01
  • Don't forgot that some players used money to get power too. If you are f2p it will take some time to get all those stats raised.
That's true, but F2P players should have a lot more than 28k power at lvl 83.
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On 2017-03-04 11:58:05Show this Author Only
  • On 2017-03-04 04:14:07
  • That's true, but F2P players should have a lot more than 28k power at lvl 83.
The question really is why he isn't at 32k. Because if you are 32k, you are pretty much almost 40k. Some 83s can get to 32k which makes them much higher.

Really not sure what the power growth of 83 would be post-2.0, they get cave which we didn't have, but they don't have TI 81 which was a big help back then. TI 32k is better but different qualifications. I'm fairly sure I was 33k or so when I got to 85, I was 35k or so when 2.0 rolled around, at which point I have been at cap for a week or so. Not sure what I was at 83.
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On 2017-03-04 12:17:59Show this Author Only
Another be sure you have gold ninja tools they will raise your bp a lot. then once you hit 32k, you caan get more gold tolls and red tools.

List of ti's for gold tools:
Jonin - White Snake Necklace -
Jonin - Ring of God -
Jonin - Senju Broad Sword -
Akatsuki - Catastrophic Planetary Devastation -
Akatsuki - Mysterious Mask -
Akatsuki - Book of Reincarnation -
Akatsuki - Sage's Neclace
Akatsuki - Flying Raijin Dagger -
Akatsuki - Paper Shuriken

These are the best gold and red tools: (Some gold tools are better then red ones)

Source for gold tools: link

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On 2017-03-04 12:52:18Show this Author Only
ninja tool gold from itachi team instant give u huge boost of power try to up tactics 8gates ninja stars rune stone refine etc... :lol
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On 2017-03-04 18:27:07Show this Author Only
  • On 2017-03-04 02:29:28
  • 4 - yeah there's an interesting discussion on the merits of damage redux vs. defense. I suggest defense since the BP formula gives more points for defense than damage redux.

    6 - Yeah nin/tai pen doesn't do anything, but most people should have a surplus of group contributions, even if you spin the group wheel max times/day. If you have the spare contributions, just increase it since there's no point in hoarding them.
Both of those are a matter of combat effectiveness vs power. Personally, as I've passed 43200, I want max combat effectiveness for MINIMAL power. Because power is useless beyond qualifying for TI in and of itself but can potentially be harmful in masuri matchmaking. I mean masuri will still match you with those 20k over you, but if I can be at the same combat effectiveness with say 2k less power, then instead of +/-20k, I'm REALLY getting +18k/-22k which is good for me.

I believe Damage redux is just as effective as defense, maybe a bit more since it's more "rounded", but less power. And tai/nin pen is +0 effectiveness but adds power, which is just poison for me, I'd rather have the contribution sit there gathering dust than getting that.

But for someone who needs to qualify 32k, gaining the extra power might be what they need, in the eventual long run it's bad but power in and of itself is useful for the moment.

Dis game be deep!
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On 2017-03-06 20:20:12Show this Author Only
I'm about to edit this post, please stay tune because I have a lot to say.
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On 2017-03-06 20:32:20Show this Author Only
  • On 2017-03-04 01:59:36
  • There's a few places to look:

    1) Moods: Everyone should have/strive to have their main at 65% as you will always use them. Otherwise the bare minimum should be 25% on all the ninjas in your team. 10 mood scrolls are 150 coupons, so that's cheap.

    2) Refines/Purifies: How do your refines look? All your refines should be minimum lvl 4 which means you're using med refine runes. Purifies scale with power, so as you refine, the better gains you'll see from purifies.

    3) Tactics: Huge source of power. If you don't have them at least lvl 4, you should devote a lot of resources towards this.

    4) Eight Gates: Underrated source. Remember to put Atk/Nin/Def/Res/Life on all your ninjas.

    5) Ninja Tools: As you get stronger (and gain access to Uchiha TI), you'll get tools with nasty substats that will boost your power significantly.

    6) Group Skills: These should be maxed fully. If they aren't, getting them there should be max priority.

    7) Rune Stones: These should all be at least lvl 3. This can be built slowly, but are important.

    8) Awakens: At lvl 83, all your ninjas should be awakened to red.

    9) Ninja Stars: If you're using ninjas that can be farmed, devote stamina to getting them more stars.

    10) Equipment Upgrades: Since these carry over no matter who you use, these should be maxed fully.
    11) Battle Armor: If you aren't doing all 6 runs of SA difficult every week, you have to start. BA power gains are unreal.
    This post was last edited by S95Leumas at 2017-3-4 02:00
First I would like to thank you for taking the time out to respond to my post, life been getting in the way lately so I haven't had much time to respond to my OWN topics. Let me start this off with the mood since it's the first thing.
1. I have plus 25+ on each mood on the characters that I use the most, and I felt like that wasn't the problem.
2. My refines, I have most of my refine levels are 3-4 and I have one level 5 but it's not on my main character.
3. Tactics, for right now, I'm using Lightening Blade and I'm using ghost tactics, which increase attack, ninjutsu, and life.
4. Eight Gates, I do see room for improvement there in that department because I do have a couple level one gates there.
5. I looked at some of you guys ninja tools, I don't have those. I'm seeing Ninja tools that I never seen before, because when I do the team instances they don't give me those choices. I think that could be a reason why because I still have purple and maybe 2 or 3 Golden Ninja tools.
6. Group Skills, My group skill attack is 41, everything else is 28-33.
7. Rune Stones, I'm currently missing one rune stone and it's initative or the purple stone.
8. Currently all the character that I use mostly are Red.
9. Ninja stars, The main ones I use are 4 and 5 stars and a couple 3 star rare such as Chiyo, Orochimaru Konan.
10. My equipment upgrades, I do need to work on that but it's like I can't upgrade them to red because I have too much trouble beating the ninja exam, I'm still stuck at level 89 and nobody give me the right answers.
Battle Armor, is level 13 rank 3.
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On 2017-03-06 20:36:44Show this Author Only
  • PraiseLuka On 2017-03-04 02:12:20
  • @4 personally I'm using damage reduction over def, and given that I plan to use init and crit, I can't have both. I also have combo for when that is "needed" to make a ninja trigger with normal hits. Of the 5 listed, def is probably the least useful. There have been mixed test results according to different people on the effect of damage reduction vs def. Direct comparison usually find them similar, but that makes damage reduction better because it also applies to nin damage.PS: control actually works. I only have one because it's a red, but it's always amusing when you shrug off their CC..... they rage so hard.

    @6 maxing nin/tai pen is a questionable choice. It does give you power, which is good for qualifying for TI(you need 32k for the awesome one), but it doesn't help you in battle(according to test people have ran). In theory, masuri is supposed to match based on power once you hit 85, we all know the match making is shaky at best, but still, I'd like to MINIMIZE my power while having the most fighting strength possible. So those two are questionable upgrades (by the same token, I'm not equipping my injury runes, luckily those you can equip for the power boost for TI qualification and then un-equip when not needed)

    @11 Try always do difficult, and for both SA, 2 person team (of similar level) is easier than one. In Hidan SA, only one person need to carry CC to stop the OP skills while the other can focus on damage, which makes it go much faster. In Hanzo, 2 person have lower combo per person requirement for stage 2&3, which is the most difficult part for most people. (combo requirement is 1>3>2). So if you have trouble doing difficult, get a tag team, don't waste chance on lower difficulty unless you can't find a partner and can't solo no matter what.
I'm very big on defense, and I spent a lot of coins getting my defense up. but as you said before it just seem like it doesn't matter. So I'm going to try the damage reduction route but That's pretty up there too. I maxed out almost everything but it just don't make sense in a way to me. I rarely do Strong Approaching since nobody in my server do it.
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On 2017-03-06 20:38:21Show this Author Only
  • PraiseLuka On 2017-03-04 11:58:05
  • The question really is why he isn't at 32k. Because if you are 32k, you are pretty much almost 40k. Some 83s can get to 32k which makes them much higher.

    Really not sure what the power growth of 83 would be post-2.0, they get cave which we didn't have, but they don't have TI 81 which was a big help back then. TI 32k is better but different qualifications. I'm fairly sure I was 33k or so when I got to 85, I was 35k or so when 2.0 rolled around, at which point I have been at cap for a week or so. Not sure what I was at 83.
I notice even some level 79's level higher than mine, and it's confusing.
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On 2017-03-06 20:38:58Show this Author Only
  • Koncept On 2017-03-04 12:17:59
  • Another be sure you have gold ninja tools they will raise your bp a lot. then once you hit 32k, you caan get more gold tolls and red tools.

    List of ti's for gold tools:
    Jonin - White Snake Necklace -
    Jonin - Ring of God -
    Jonin - Senju Broad Sword -
    Akatsuki - Catastrophic Planetary Devastation -
    Akatsuki - Mysterious Mask -
    Akatsuki - Book of Reincarnation -
    Akatsuki - Sage's Neclace
    Akatsuki - Flying Raijin Dagger -
    Akatsuki - Paper Shuriken

    These are the best gold and red tools: (Some gold tools are better then red ones)

    Source for gold tools: link

I'm looking * right now because I don't have none of these ninja tools, and I think that's why I'm lacking power so much, and I have mostly purple ninja tools.
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On 2017-03-06 20:41:02Show this Author Only
  • PraiseLuka On 2017-03-04 18:27:07
  • Both of those are a matter of combat effectiveness vs power. Personally, as I've passed 43200, I want max combat effectiveness for MINIMAL power. Because power is useless beyond qualifying for TI in and of itself but can potentially be harmful in masuri matchmaking. I mean masuri will still match you with those 20k over you, but if I can be at the same combat effectiveness with say 2k less power, then instead of +/-20k, I'm REALLY getting +18k/-22k which is good for me.

    I believe Damage redux is just as effective as defense, maybe a bit more since it's more "rounded", but less power. And tai/nin pen is +0 effectiveness but adds power, which is just poison for me, I'd rather have the contribution sit there gathering dust than getting that.

    But for someone who needs to qualify 32k, gaining the extra power might be what they need, in the eventual long run it's bad but power in and of itself is useful for the moment.

    Dis game be deep!
Please do not make me get started on Masuri because I be the first one eliminated and it hurts my pride because I be getting matched against level 85 with 40/50k of power and I never get to get rewards because I be the first one eliminated.
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On 2017-03-07 04:35:28Show this Author Only
  • LegendaryUchiha On 2017-03-06 20:32:20
  • First I would like to thank you for taking the time out to respond to my post, life been getting in the way lately so I haven't had much time to respond to my OWN topics. Let me start this off with the mood since it's the first thing.
    1. I have plus 25+ on each mood on the characters that I use the most, and I felt like that wasn't the problem.
    2. My refines, I have most of my refine levels are 3-4 and I have one level 5 but it's not on my main character.
    3. Tactics, for right now, I'm using Lightening Blade and I'm using ghost tactics, which increase attack, ninjutsu, and life.
    4. Eight Gates, I do see room for improvement there in that department because I do have a couple level one gates there.
    5. I looked at some of you guys ninja tools, I don't have those. I'm seeing Ninja tools that I never seen before, because when I do the team instances they don't give me those choices. I think that could be a reason why because I still have purple and maybe 2 or 3 Golden Ninja tools.
    6. Group Skills, My group skill attack is 41, everything else is 28-33.
    7. Rune Stones, I'm currently missing one rune stone and it's initative or the purple stone.
    8. Currently all the character that I use mostly are Red.
    9. Ninja stars, The main ones I use are 4 and 5 stars and a couple 3 star rare such as Chiyo, Orochimaru Konan.
    10. My equipment upgrades, I do need to work on that but it's like I can't upgrade them to red because I have too much trouble beating the ninja exam, I'm still stuck at level 89 and nobody give me the right answers.
    Battle Armor, is level 13 rank 3.
I have plus 25+ on each mood on the characters that I use the most, and I felt like that wasn't the problem.

Any mood scrolls you get should be funneled toward your main from now on, since you will always use them. 25% is viable, but there's good power gains in mood.

My refines, I have most of my refine levels are 3-4 and I have one level 5 but it's not on my main character.

You REALLY need to get them all minimum lvl 4.

Tactics, for right now, I'm using Lightening Blade and I'm using ghost tactics, which increase attack, ninjutsu, and life.

My guess is that your tactics level is super low. Ghost Kill works great, but you really need it at least lvl 4.

My equipment upgrades, I do need to work on that but it's like I can't upgrade them to red because I have too much trouble beating the ninja exam, I'm still stuck at level 89 and nobody give me the right answers.

It's not that hard to find NE guides, especially up to NE 100. I know the exams were buffed a bit in 2.0, but even at your power, you should be able to clear 100 as long as you have the right ninjas trained up. You can easily beat NE with F2P ninjas (see Ino, Shika chaos strats).

Battle Armor, is level 13 rank 3

Rank 3 is fine if you're F2P. You're on S15, I have no idea how you only have level 13 BA (my guess is you never do SA), this should of been lvl 27 ages ago. Especially since SA gives medium threads now, you MUST do all 6 runs on difficult every week. You'll see some major gains from this.
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