2017-03-04 01:59:36
There's a few places to look:
1) Moods: Everyone should have/strive to have their main at 65% as you will always use them. Otherwise the bare minimum should be 25% on all the ninjas in your team. 10 mood scrolls are 150 coupons, so that's cheap.
2) Refines/Purifies: How do your refines look? All your refines should be minimum lvl 4 which means you're using med refine runes. Purifies scale with power, so as you refine, the better gains you'll see from purifies.
3) Tactics: Huge source of power. If you don't have them at least lvl 4, you should devote a lot of resources towards this.
4) Eight Gates: Underrated source. Remember to put Atk/Nin/Def/Res/Life on all your ninjas.
5) Ninja Tools: As you get stronger (and gain access to Uchiha TI), you'll get tools with nasty substats that will boost your power significantly.
6) Group Skills: These should be maxed fully. If they aren't, getting them there should be max priority.
7) Rune Stones: These should all be at least lvl 3. This can be built slowly, but are important.
8) Awakens: At lvl 83, all your ninjas should be awakened to red.
9) Ninja Stars: If you're using ninjas that can be farmed, devote stamina to getting them more stars.
10) Equipment Upgrades: Since these carry over no matter who you use, these should be maxed fully.
11) Battle Armor: If you aren't doing all 6 runs of SA difficult every week, you have to start. BA power gains are unreal.
This post was last edited by S95Leumas at 2017-3-4 02:00
First I would like to thank you for taking the time out to respond to my post, life been getting in the way lately so I haven't had much time to respond to my OWN topics. Let me start this off with the mood since it's the first thing.
1. I have plus 25+ on each mood on the characters that I use the most, and I felt like that wasn't the problem.
2. My refines, I have most of my refine levels are 3-4 and I have one level 5 but it's not on my main character.
3. Tactics, for right now, I'm using Lightening Blade and I'm using ghost tactics, which increase attack, ninjutsu, and life.
4. Eight Gates, I do see room for improvement there in that department because I do have a couple level one gates there.
5. I looked at some of you guys ninja tools, I don't have those. I'm seeing Ninja tools that I never seen before, because when I do the team instances they don't give me those choices. I think that could be a reason why because I still have purple and maybe 2 or 3 Golden Ninja tools.
6. Group Skills, My group skill attack is 41, everything else is 28-33.
7. Rune Stones, I'm currently missing one rune stone and it's initative or the purple stone.
8. Currently all the character that I use mostly are Red.
9. Ninja stars, The main ones I use are 4 and 5 stars and a couple 3 star rare such as Chiyo, Orochimaru Konan.
10. My equipment upgrades, I do need to work on that but it's like I can't upgrade them to red because I have too much trouble beating the ninja exam, I'm still stuck at level 89 and nobody give me the right answers.
Battle Armor, is level 13 rank 3.