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[ Lineup ] AZURE FANG *S?


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-08-11 10:01:42Show All Posts
It's easy for a bad Midnight Blade to beat a bad Azure Fang because if you're both just trying to build combos and spam damage at each other, the Midnight Blade will win. You're building damage combos and using ninja with random utility jutsu that don't synergize.

I can't even tell what your team is supposed to do because it's just a generalist team with no goal or purpose other than combos, which Midnight conveniently is good against thanks to paralysis.

Try for an acupuncture healer team, works better and shuts down MB.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-08-11 11:07:32Show All Posts
  • On 2016-08-11 10:47:16
  • Dude, its a half splash half focused damage team. Its a good one at that. I dont think you know what you're talking about bro. What am i going to do, acupuncture and heal them to death? This post was last edited by 107***@google at 2016-8-11 11:01
Yes actually. Also, the fact that it's a half-splash half-focused damage team that you're using is why it can't do well. You need more focus. Yes, control and heals have a bigger effect than you realize in the war of attrition.

Play Arena, get to Six Paths, you'll encounter lots of builds in an environment that is more balanced where you can test various combos. Poison builds work well for Water too. Poison isn't 8-hit combos either, it's slow gradual damage over time yet it can be very strong with the right build.

Check out this thread for what is meant by a focused strategy and synergy. Don't just look at the water ones, look at all of them. They all have strong ties that support each other. Not random damage ninja that do nothing but combo chase each other.
This post was last edited by Kyutaru at 2016-8-11 11:13
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-08-12 11:21:35Show All Posts
  • ProtoZero On 2016-08-12 11:19:17
  • actually aside from the "elemental" damage boost. I find that elemental teams are quite okay.

    Water teams seem to have repulse as a chase a lot, and their kits usually mesh well together.
Meanwhile Midnight likes his High Float synergies, but when he's not playing full Lightning... it's all about the Knockdown.

Let the bodies hit the floor.
Quicky Post

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