so im lvl 73 completely f2p and iv got around 1k coupons and 20k power(pretty low cause i didnt know how to use summon runes properly)
ive been saving my scrolls for a while to get a rare from kage and now i have 50 saved up(no ninjas from kage treasure now and im tired of my old lineup)
what should i do?its hard to for me to get coupons cause i cant plunder but i cant wait for the next week's GNW pack and monthly event redeems
should i spend my coupons on lucky board or buy a lucky seals pack or maybe not spend my coupons?
one of my friends keeps telling me that i dont need to pull 60 in a row to get a rare so i can just relax and pull my 50 if i need new ninjas and i might even not get a rare with 60 so now idk what to do
help me plz