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[ Lineup ] Make me the most broken line up :x (win 500 ingots)


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 3
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On 2017-03-03 09:57:44Show All Posts
did someone already won? i had a really great formation...
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 3
  • Posts: 405
On 2017-03-03 22:23:52Show All Posts
Well ill give one of my formation since u dont have kazekage gaara i cant give u the best one...
X-light main-Mifune
serpent summon talents: 13123
You got 3 swordman in the front to tank dmg which are resistant to debuffs for 3 turns and kimimaro will get more tanky the more he is hit which is good since you deal so much dmg that they will easily leech their health back up with a combo, the 3 swordman have a 100% dmg multiplier and guy deals some really good dmg and can cause ignite at the end of combos and even if he dies the other 3 will continue the combo since his combo is last.
The focus using this team is to either seal a character first round(like gnw tentens or stuff like that) or deal some insane dmg to a character and then comboing em and killing them in the first round, round 2 u MUST use mifune and thats another dead enemy and if u happen to kill a enemy either clones or a character using a mystery you can cast that mystery again in the next round if u got the chakra, so yeah if you are strong and lucky you can spam sealing slahs and mifunes mysterys and devastate most stuff that you face the only downside of this formation is crow control and that you only deal acupunture and ignite debuff so i advice that if u fight wind mains dont think about it and seal slash them just to be sure they dont debuff your root.
Quicky Post

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