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[ Lineup ] Make me the most broken line up :x (win 500 ingots)


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-03-05 02:28:46Show All Posts
personally, i believe the best of lineups have already been suggested to you.
my personal favourite being sage naruto, mei, ao and water main. Use water main's heal, and the apply poison on attack passive. choose the rest according to your preference.

Acupuncture (mystery and chase) from AO, immobile from mei chase, ignition, poison from water main, relatively good damage from sage naruto, shield on water team along with *ready tanky sage naruto and his clone plus the 25% dmg boost to male characters.

i know you wanted lineups from the ninjas you already have, but this is something i believe to be extremely effective just in case you want to or manage to get hashirama:
wind main, sage naruto, hashirama and iruka
wind main boosts wind ninjas, iruka dmg boost and shield, hashirama dmg boost along with the barrier mystery to counter kage passive barriers.

Use dance of impetus or sage art dust storm on main.
I'd prefer dust storm. simply because you can cue up wind main's mystery and most likely the enemy will acupuncture her. and when they do, just use hashirama's barrier.
if they don't interrupt wind main, they lose their buffs and are already at a big disadvantage.

x x x
main naruto(sage) naruto(clone)
hashirama iruka x

all the best to everyone for the competition and thanks to OP for organizing this!
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 2
  • Posts: 8
On 2017-03-05 22:58:03Show All Posts
  • haytoku On 2017-03-05 21:04:06
  • mei doesnt increase the damage of male characters, she deals more damage to male characters.
thats what i meant. :p
Quicky Post

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