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[ Fanfiction ] Azure Fang Lifestory PT 2: Vengence (M)Yosuga Pass


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-03-06 13:20:25Show All PostsDescending Order
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Chapter 2: Vengence

Shinobi were supposed to be silent. The men and women who fought for the Hidden Stone more than everyone else. It was surpising then, that they were screaming their heads off just at the wave of fog that covered the border town. Orders had come in a week prior that the town wished to celebrate the Tragedy of Yosuga Pass with a large celebration, and Yagura was furious, furious enough to send the unfortunate spy who had reported to him out of his office window, right to the hospital. It was after this that a fairly elite strike force had been mobilized to slaugther the entire town. Of the Swordsmen, only Mangetsu and Chojuro were available, the others either renegade or on other missions. Coming along with them had been Akula herself, a personal assassin for Yagura, and the lone survivor of Yosuga Pass , the Jonin Ganryu, a cold, bitter glaze over his eyes.

The first few days had been fairly easy, their elite kill team decimating several isolated villages, the four taking turns to slaughter the few civilians they found. It was only when they approached the large town itself that they began to anticpate a large fight. The town hosting the celebration was surprisingly large, with dozens of people from every land possible, with the exception being Kiri, of which they noted a handful of prisoners and known rebels being the only people from the land of the Mist. They saw a man they recogized as Konaha's ambassador, the only outsider that seemed to have arrived at the party, who screamed into a gag as Mangetsu gutted him, as Akula pulled out a small brush, painting the four lines representing Kiri onto a nearby wall with the dying man's blood. The other two stayed silent, not understanding the macabre acts that the Hozuki clan seemed to revel in.

"Lets go," Akula said after a moment, tossing the brush into a dumpster reeking of garbage, followed by Mangetsu tossing the dead man after the brush, her pale blue hair having been dyed into a much less su*ious brown, their cloaks hiding their charka signatures until it was time to strike. That would only come later, as the sun came down, signalling the night that would dye the moon red.

***** Later
It was midnight when the prisoners from Kiri were marched forward, their uniforms torn and shredded, and burning hatred in their eyes. To the horror of Chojuro, they were marched forward to a large stage opposing a large group of Iwa shinobi, lead by a large man cracking his knuckles as he grinned, flexing his arms as he marched forward, followed by a pair of Kiri rebels, all smirking as a pretty woman stood from above.

"On this night, nine years ago, we crushed a group of Kiri shinobi after letting them beat Kumo." The cheery voice came, leading to Ganryu to clutch his sword, shaking in rage, but found Mangestu stopping him.

"We killed them all!" The woman added in her high pitched voice, "none will stop the Will of."

The woman fell backwards into the crowd before she could finish her sentence, a explosive kunai *ing from her chest. There was a brief flash, and the screams of Iwa's citizens as a firebomb went off in the crowd, searing flesh and stealing life.

At this, Ganryu glanced toward Mangetsu, but found his vision obscured by a wave of fog that had fallen on the town, hiding all but the screams of the dying. Finally, he looked up noting the forms of both Hozuki family members, leaping into the chaos, Mangetsu with his sword drawn, and Akula wielding a pair of whips that seemed to be made of sal*er. It was then that he noted the arms of Chojuro clinging to his waist, the Swordsman unable to raise his sword against civilians. Below, the screams of civilians echoed into the sky, a tribute to vengence.

"Rescue the prisoners." Ganryu ordered coldly, tugging the boy's arms from his body as he leapt into the rapidly reddening mist, his blade drawn. It took but a moment, but he landed on his feet, in the entrails of one of Mangetsu's victims, *ed violently in two. He spun around, his eyes trying to pierce though the mist as the scent of blood, ashes, and fear drowned his senses. He took a grim step forward, his every step wading even further into the mindless gore, the screams of agony from the few anguished survivors, the bloodthirsty shouts of the Hozuki swordsman as he leapt into yet another crowd of trapped civilians, sandwiched between the murderous swordsman and a water based barrier by the other Hozuki.

"Welcome to hell itself," Ganryu muttered to himself, his eyes squeezed shut.

***** With Akula and Mangetsu.
Fighting blind people was boring, the cousins decided bitterly, as Akula's sal*er whips caused screams that Mangetsu could not help but wince at, his half blood cousin disappating the weapons as she began the process of retracting her whips, her eyes darting side to side, as if hunting for something, or someone. Their answer came in the form of a titan of a man, bulldoing though the slowly disappating mist and into the pair, both of whom leapt away, weapons reactivated as they glanced upon the new challenger, his bare arms large and powerful, well muscled body that made Mangetsu feel just a bit jealous.

"My name is Ayato Taketa." The giant boomed, his bronze skin shining in the moonlight as he cracked his knuckles. "And you are both dead."

At the declaration, Mangetsu charged forward, bringing down his mighty sword with a move that would have split any other man in two, but actually missed the man entirely, who charged forward, his right hand turning to stone as he punched the exposed Swordsman in the groin, only the find the white haired demon had turned into water, forming quickly a safe distance away.

"That was indeed close" Akula said to herself as she readied a crossbow from a hidden scroll she kept for emergencies. The mashed mandrake root that she applied to each of her arrowheads personally was enough to kill a fully grown man a dozen times over. She still stood upon the fountain, her eyes narrowing as she focused on the man who had so far ignored her. Then she fired, the bolt lashing forward, aimed at the back of her intended victim.

*THUNK* went the arrow as it ripped though the man's clothes, catching on what appeared to be a inner layer of armour. Thr man refused to even look back, and calmly tore the arrow out of his ruined shirt, charging Mangetsu with the deadly arrow in hand, only to find himself trapped in another sphere of water, one that shrunk as it's caster, the girl behind him, withdrew water while adding her own chakra to the sphere, intending for the watery prison to become a watery grave.

To her surprise, Mangetsu pounded on the wall of the prison, his eyes b* with fury as he slashed the prison with his sword, as if a challenge to his enemy. To his surprise, and sudden horror, the man within broke free in a shower of sal*er, blinding Mangetsu for one critical moment before the giant slammed the poisoned arrow into the belly of the Swordsman. It was over.

Mangetsu fell to the ground, foaming at the mouth as his cousin's deadly concrotion took hold. He knew she carried the cure on her, but the man standing between them would mean that she would never reach him in time.

She gritted her teeth as she prepared her exausted body for battle.

This post was last edited by Aruka T (EvilPopT... at 2017-3-5 13:13
This post was last edited by Aruka T (EvilPopT... at 2017-3-6 13:20
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-03-07 09:44:08Show All Posts
  • MisakiFuuji On 2017-03-06 13:30:29
  • I've been waiting for the next part <:3_59:> even though this story slightly confuses me

    Is Ayato Taketa the Earth main? I feel like he is, but I don't want to start assuming...
Yes, He is the Earth Main. A tribute to the main (I'm water) that beat me to a pulp right up until 2.0.
The next "chapter" will clarify some things, as a author's note
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