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[ PVP ] Arena Cross server.


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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  • Posts: 98
On 2017-03-01 23:18:41Show All Posts
  • Jori. On 2017-03-01 19:52:46
  • Arena is fine as it is right now.. if you want sennin you should fight and advance slowly.. its balanced as it is...its never easy to get to six path's but that gives you power to keep rising your power and someday to achieve it!!!!
no one says that everyone should reach six path easy but we would like to have a fair chance at least which right now we have not.

if you get match with people from a way older server than yours for example some guy from s260 against some guy from s54. The guy from s260 has absolutely no chances of winning even if he has a top meta team because he get match against someone who plays since a lot more time than him and therefore has more lvl, better magatamas, better refines, etc.
So what ? we are suppose to wait 3 to 4 months in order to even have a chance of reaching six path ? but in that time the guys that we are trying to catch up also get more and more power.

It's exactly like if oasis would merge a server 200+ with a server 100-. the players from server 200+ would not stand a chance and that's exactly what's happening with the arena or matsuri.

So either don't ask us to reach six path once in order to get rewards or make a system where we get match only with people from servers relatively close to us but right now this is serious bs.
Quicky Post

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