Hanzo Salamander
Source: Event gains
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~Mystery: Summoning Jutsu: Salamander: - Causes ninjutsu damage and poisoning up to 12 units from the opponents team.
`Cooiling time: 3 round
`Battlefield cooldown: None
`Chakra use: 20
`Additional status: Poison
~Standard: Sickle Dance: - Attacks the opponents front row and has a chance of 10 combos and poisoning.
`Additional status: 10 combos & poisoning
~Passive: Poison Eliminating: - Before each action, cancels 1 debuff on each unit from your team.
~Chase: Chained Prison Explosion: - Chases and attacks a knockdown unit, causes knockdown, immobile and ignition.
`Chase condition: Knockdown
`Additional status: Knockdown, immobile & ignition
~Chase: Poison Fog Jet: - Triggered at least with a 10 combo of ninjutsu damage and causes poisoning against 3 units from the opponents team.
`Chase condition: 10 combo
`Additional status: Poisoning
``~My thoughts: He's pretty decent,, Seen mostly with a poison team (Azure Fang with poison tai)..
*Please leave your thoughts about the ninja.