So many assumptions. Reanimated treasures might come first, I have a good reasoning why, besides china players saying it. Theres a ..easter egg? in the game atm that hints towards it
So many assumptions. Reanimated treasures might come first, I have a good reasoning why, besides china players saying it. Theres a ..easter egg? in the game atm that hints towards it
china got jinchuriki before reanimated and it will be the same for us to
So many assumptions. Reanimated treasures might come first, I have a good reasoning why, besides china players saying it. Theres a ..easter egg? in the game atm that hints towards it
Is that "Easter Egg" Hanzo? He is the reanimated one, you can tell by just looking at his eyes.
Nah. We got the normal Hanzo. The reanimated Hanzo just came to CN a couple of months ago.
well this one is reanimated too (eyes give it away) but y next treasure is jinchuriki one they wont mix treasures up cause that makes a few ninjas a lot weaker / useless
I feel ashamed of asking but why is roshi so good are the other jinchuuriki just really bad ?? he basicly is the tank of the jinchuriki that does a * tone of damage he basicly is the tank of the jinchuriki that does a * tone of damage
what about the other jinchuuriki are they good too?????