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[ Videos ] Top 1 vs Top 7 Naruto-EU, 65k vs 77k real power, Matsuri


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On 2017-02-25 18:20:34Show All PostsDescending Order
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hey there

I did matsuri yesterday and got finaly number 1 in rankings from EU servers ;) I hope you enjoy, I did
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On 2017-02-25 18:36:51Show All Posts
I won vs that set ups, for example Phan(s62) has that one with susano sasuke and he has higher power than me, point is I have bigger ini than him, atleast my 1st to move has.

susano sasuke is overated ninja to me, also that formation with danzo, iruka, etc. - my personal oppinion nothing more
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On 2017-02-25 18:47:47Show All Posts
how you would like to nuke someone hard when his whole team has like 8k shield from start, even if I consider that he will interupt my earth main so i cant have 60 chakra next round. i just need killer bee to give me extra attack on 6tails, sweep attack is what won me that fight in video ;) not my mystery

also i have 2 ninjas immune to debuffs, cannot control them or ignite/poison them is biggest adv in game, u will feel this extremly in late game where we are slowly heading.

susano sasuke c*e mystery only once, he needs to kill someone to reset if he has that talent, there is 1% chance he will kill any of my ninjas with his full combo vs my hp and that big shield.

all moods are resistance ;) and tactics is on resistance + life too, this is best tanking formation, u are fool if u think u are gonna nuke me.
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On 2017-02-25 18:53:24Show All Posts
and he had the field ;) so i didnt have +40% from gaara +his shields (which are like 4-5k every round)
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On 2017-02-25 19:18:57Show All Posts
  • Killuaq8 On 2017-02-25 19:03:57
  • Do you think your setup will still be the best after Jinchuuriki treasure?
could be ;) I am changing my formations sometimes, depends what i want to play and when. we are in boring part of the game. we are still missing cross server sage B, gnw and tournaments. so for now it is only testing for me... I am trying to see what suits my style, what is working and what is not.
This post was last edited by mad*** at 2017-2-25 19:20
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On 2017-03-04 03:27:35Show All Posts
gratz man !!! you finally did it !!! xD

you added 5000 more power from last week we fought, so it wasnt 65k vs 77k, today it was 65k vs 82k power

congratulations :handshake you defeated me who has 17 000 lower power than you and you had to use counter on my shields with 4th mystery of wind otherwise i the result could be different maybe ;P
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On 2017-03-04 03:38:48Show All Posts
you are right, that tactics and shields are useless man, dont bother with my things ;)

keep spending and do your stuff, you have a lot of way in front of you till you reach that 180k xD lmao you are hilarious
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On 2017-03-04 03:55:35Show All Posts
  • BabaKsA On 2017-03-04 03:48:20
  • yup coz your a "f2p" player to complain and give lessons - dont QQ just because our pockets arent equal, u just needed to get your feets back on earth again and not coming up with "this team beats all" i can shield, which is useless overall. I think i even fought you in ranked arena once since ur the only one iv seen with that setup so far and u didnt even go round 1 before you left. i didnt even bother use onokis mystery just to check out how close u could come and honestly half of my hp with a "so exceptional" build is not impressive.
for you info genius, I have never ever left arena even I was loosing or doing mistakes

yep I am spender and just from that conclusion that I didnt spend as much as you till now, you are assuming our pockets arent equal ? really interesting logic I have to overspend you so I can beat you like right now coz of some * matsuri challenge with 1 seal and 1 summ scroll reward ? which I am getting anyway.... ok LOL

dont be salty man, I know you are clueless but thats ok, this game is build in way that even ppl like you can be top just with using more money ;) there is always way man, you just need to keep power distance like 15-20k from me and you will get your victory :victory: ;P
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On 2017-03-04 04:46:41Show All Posts
  • BabaKsA On 2017-03-04 04:07:31
  • im sorry your right, na was just talking about your comment on 180k, was talking about money not power. and it was relatet to that other guy as creditcard != power ingame if it was idk how much power it would be but lets say ea 1k = 1k power ingame that would make me a bit too strong i guess and your comment on "180" being way too easy, maybe if we had crossserver with the chinies gus i would bother that. ok from now on i wont spend any money ingame till you reach my power and we can see from there on how it goes. keep in mind most of my ninjas are not fully awaken so it will raise a bit in power but if you want to try and compete sure i can wait ^^ just dont make me wait forever cuz i look at improving the character more as a hobby then competition, and i have ppl with 40k power on my server giving me more struggle then your 65k+ team. so yea my point the whole time was just this is not "the best team" and your ccomment on this beating jinchuric is just cute i bet ppl 10k+/- power less then you would beat you with rosh and hans.
even if there is cross ranked tournament for 128 best power ppl like in CN, then I dont care will take 1st and I will take 2nd or 3rd or 4th who cares ?

what you are going to do or how much you are gonna spend or not, thats your business, your decisions, I dont need to know that and I dont care honestly what are you doing with your money and life, so I am not interested in your generous offer.

about that 40k ppl you are fightnig with struggles, thats kind of sad man...atleast you are giving us the explanation why you had to spend so much and boosting power weekly, it must be tough for you to keep your rank 1 then...rough server for you, *
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On 2017-03-04 05:34:50Show All Posts
  • Akidonoki On 2017-03-04 05:16:22
  • so in short, OP made a thread to gloat, and cant take it when the person beats them back? good to know
I am op, this thread was about taking down someone who was 12k power higher than was last week matsuri, 65k vs 77k, it was fun and i enjoyed that I can do that even without less spending than him. that was point, to have fun and do some challenge vs way stronger player in power than me

then he added 5000 more power during week and today he beated me with 17k power difference, 65k me vs 82k him.

this wasnt fair match at all in both cases, if u know what i mean

according to what you assumed I cant take the beating ? I dont understand...oh, i can understand if you are his buddy or follower xD
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On 2017-03-04 06:08:31Show All Posts
  • Akidonoki On 2017-03-04 05:43:55
  • i dont really care for the other person, but you made a thread with the point of gloating about how perfect your team was in the general section instead of going to strategy to debate or talk about it where it belongs, you then proceed to get a reply from the person who you beat showing that they beat you back, you then take a condescending tone and act superior and insult them for spending money

    frankly, you are taking childish actions and trying to justify them through ego that is fueled through luck, don't try to make excuses, you lost, your team isnt perfect, and this thread was purely to boost your ego
still dont know what are you talking about....and you didnt answer my question.

where did i say this is perfect team ? or that i am unbeatable with it ? where did i insult him that he is spending more than me ?

and from when you are doing me a psycho*ysis ? like you are some random troll on forum, who doesnt care about him but obviously care enough to come here and rant on me and provoke me.
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On 2017-03-04 06:15:25Show All Posts
aaaaah I understand now, Akidonoki u are from s62, troll and "political correctness warrior" it now why are you attacking me here and provoking lmao

you are also hating Achroma from same server, which is my friend, in any chance, are you on kaizer discord reading our conversations ? xD my humble bet.... it all makes sense now. hahaha
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On 2017-03-04 07:57:31Show All Posts
  • BabaKsA On 2017-03-04 07:31:43
  • dude earth is pretty much killed. Even a watermain can remove 1trillion shield on whatever ninja you pick to use it on. wind just overkills it on 3 instead of 1. Since he now knows he cant beat me this way, maybe use an Iruka to shield even more and pick to either interrupt my killerbee or even better to save it for my wind main. The gara barriare doesnt help him anyway against me idk about others on eu as for his initiative. would be fun if we could fight eachother crossserver beside matsuri. your the only one iv had fun with so far.
are we really going on with this BS ? i honestly have enought of it

I will explain it once more for you and for all random trolls here:

your real power = 82 000
my real power = 65 000

your mystery on wind main = 4th one which is removing shields, buffs and debuffs from 3 target = TOTAL counter to my earth team which has mystery, standard and passive based on shields

you have field coz of iniciative so my gaara is not making news shields.

I hope till now it is understandable for all, if no, tell me I can add pictures, kids love them and they can understand better and faster (talking not to you but in general)

final result you have fuking 17 000 more power than me, sitting with kyubi naruto and fuking wind main with best counter mystery vs earth mains startegy on shields..... and there are any doubts why you defeated me ? or it was not closed ? how could i lost now ? WTF ??? really ? ppl can be so * that cant see why ?
edit: simple example why 4th mystery of wind is counter, my starting shield round 1 on 6tails with all buffs is 13/14 000. obviously if u clear it before round 1 even starts and also take down all my dmg boosts then I am done, i cant fight you with that huge power difference and hoping for a win. there is no chance. you told me that lot of power is done with your maxed ? thats the thing why u hitting me so hard, your main sitting on 15000 ninjutsu vs my 6000 resitance and you clearerd my only defense = 13k shield and you did it on 3 NINJAS not 1, so basicaly my whole team lmao
This post was last edited by mad*** at 2017-3-4 08:08 This post was last edited by mad*** at 2017-3-4 08:08
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On 2017-03-04 08:17:34Show All Posts
  • BabaKsA On 2017-03-04 08:12:13
  • the thing is your fuzz about the 17k power, if you had used your tactical page on offensive you would have been closer in power :) no cry bro good you admit that the super build has its weak spot, and it will be even weaker in the future. + you dont lose much using iruka, 100% you get the power boost + 1 interrupter + more shield. no need to cry out take advices sometimes into you, if that works against me ill come up with something new till the next time... again remove like 8-12k power just from my gear refined (your talking about 17k power as its in magatams lvl 8/9/10) its refine so i beat u in initiate pretty much.

my offensive tactics page....lvl 6. yep u are right, I have more power, exactly +250 MORE.
defo a game changer for me vs you, so now power difference is only 16750 :L
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On 2017-03-04 08:20:54Show All Posts
  • BabaKsA On 2017-03-04 08:12:13
  • the thing is your fuzz about the 17k power, if you had used your tactical page on offensive you would have been closer in power :) no cry bro good you admit that the super build has its weak spot, and it will be even weaker in the future. + you dont lose much using iruka, 100% you get the power boost + 1 interrupter + more shield. no need to cry out take advices sometimes into you, if that works against me ill come up with something new till the next time... again remove like 8-12k power just from my gear refined (your talking about 17k power as its in magatams lvl 8/9/10) its refine so i beat u in initiate pretty much.
wtf are you talking about ? where did I say that earth build has no weak spots ?

and you are again wrong, it will not be weaker in late game, you are clueless again, oh my god. but if u wanna win argument tell me now, i can admit u are better and u can go sleep with good feeling in your heart.
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On 2017-03-04 19:25:38Show All Posts

everyone has the right to be * but you are STRONGLY abusing the privilege BetaPimp

ok you won all arguments here, we are all here wrong and you are only genius here, keep going your way and do whatever you want to do and whenever. I am going to end discussion with you, my bad that I even answered.

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On 2017-03-04 21:35:58Show All Posts
  • BabaKsA On 2017-03-04 21:20:48
  • well idk about what you but i was talking about top players fighting.

    have fun with your garaa/hidan here ^^ And tard i said we dont have rosh/deidara/shark kisame, i didnt say the chinies people dont use them.

    closes fight with a hidan being used (and ofc losing) same with 6tail naruto being used (no idea who the guys are) but the first video is a record of a company with videos of strongest while the second one is a regular person.

    Anyway just as i took the throne of being best EU player i have to throw back the title of the most * right back to you and your friend.
    "6. You guys know by either playing the chinies server what ninjas are worth to go for or not, as for big ninjas it was ay/sas maybe even itachi but sure throw in tendo aswell for all i care. I have seen itachi sas being used on one of the top fights in china and thats it. Shark Kisame doesnt exist here, Deidara doesnt, Roshi doesnt. As for hidan idk havent seen him that much used, garaa close to never." I do realise you guys cant read and understand what your reading at the same time, but please i colored the text for you so you know how to distinct stuff. And NO i dont look through all youtube videos, i do look when top players fight and they dont use the "standard" ninjas you are mentioning. You could say there are 3 groups (p2w) (wannabe p2w) and (f2p) on China we are not there yet, but ye the wannabe p2w are focusing on useless ninjas now when they could go for power now and focus on the real candy later. The p2w do show the maximum of the ninjauses, none of them follow your bull* theories.

    Where did i say they dont use Deidara/Shark/Rosh? i said they dont exist here yet, as for Garaa and Hidan ye you have some people trying to pull those moves, as for Hidan i am not gonne bother look up videos on Gara people. and bro honestly your * cute i do like memo and kensos videos since they do translate stuff to english for us, but i do also have my own guys that do know their research a bit more then you 2 guys (not saying memo and kenso here) do.

    1. Im pretty sure he had higher hp then that which he has now (with offensive tactical page, thats why i asked for his resistance/ninjitsu page) so YES his def tactic is most likely higher. Yes if all your ninjas are res mooded and you switch to an offensive page you shouldnt get boostet that much, but omg if both pages are lvl 6 and he gets 250boost with all on resistance/hp then just add the mains 65% i bet he has that one and well since he is so depending on naruto i guess the mooded thatone aswell to 65%.
    2. I know how to spend money more then you on this game, so again you proved yourself wrong ^^ Cee? you dont know everything about this game better then me.
    3. "2: Naruto is a Tank that heals himself every turn and provides easy ignites. Both of those things are control elements which have more of a effect in longer fights, something that Earth main provides. Additionally, you still have a attack/nin buff that buffs naruto while playing earth. You don't lose much by being Earth instead of wind. The only time wind would be better is if you are playing against a Wind Main running 4th mystery, and even now most wind mains run reset. Even if he wasn't earth, he likely would be Water instead, as like Earth, it pairs very well with ninja that cannot be debuffed ( no worrying about ignite for your heals )." The purple part made no sense in your context but anyway.

    The earth boost naruto ONLY if naruto has full HP, when the shield is DOWN and Naruto is placed on the HP Field the heal is going to be smaller because the heal is based on Ninjitsu - the Ninjitsu buff wont work untill naruto is back on full hp and Let us all pray to God that is possible against me when i play as wind. im 23% stronger then him overall, as for our "carry ninja 6tail, i have 10% advantage" powervice. As for stats i do have better magatamas 6s/7s but just to throw back a fun one he has higher ninja tool lvls since his naruto is able to be at 19.6k power vs mine at 21.2k power even when i have 3 maxed refiner and 2 9s and overall lvl7 runestones. Im comparing the 2 ninjas that are suppost to carry this fight according to the topic starter (yes bro you gave me the title of dumbest but you do know who the true one is, the only aspect of me being dumb is trying to guide you on how to play/point out your weakness which "didnt" exist untill now).

    As for your "wind main run this and that mystery" stfu dude you have matsuri and you have people on your server thats what you base your "*yze" facts on and maybe arena. You dont see the top players fighting eachother. Again bias information from your side, * to listening to the youtubers and teach yourself whatever you want to teach yourself (and repeat what they say as a definitive fact) without being critical to what they are actually saying. I know 2 thing for sure, 1 you dont have an account on the Chinies server so you knowing more then me = 0. 2) your just rumbling stuff from 2 englishaiming youtubers.

1st of all it is all video where Samuel had "only" 367 000 power, he has now 531 000, that one who is winnig everything with sage hashirama, kcm naruto, 5th hokage and water main....

for the 2nd he has everything maxed in this game...did you watch last scene ? look at picture genius, difference between 1st and 2nd is 93 000 power, then difference 1st vs 3rd/4th 150-170 000 in power

thats why he can have any main or any ninja there, he would win with team 7 that tournament, with this kind of power differences.

you are only embarassing yourself here and you are doing it by yourself and publicly showing how missinformed and clueless you are. your knowledge is limited, I was thinking you are playing seriously in CN but you have info only from one last video where you see someone who spent "lamborghinni money" to stomp other people.
according to this video you want to tell us you are going to spend 100 000$ so u can keep your n1 spot ? thats your strategy how to win ?

worst thing on all this is that you are dumb and you dont have any problem, remorse or shame to show it, thats really sad. I am realy sorry for you. This post was last edited by mad*** at 2017-3-4 21:39
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On 2017-03-04 23:25:19Show All Posts
  • BabaKsA On 2017-03-04 21:56:19
  • he has 34% more power advantage overall. (360k vs 2*k guy) that bull* you pulled out he would win even with a crap team is again just bull* from your own pocket and it should be kept there.

    edit: now on to the money argument part (again).
    1. You are in no position to tell anyone what to spend money or how to spend money. You have spent over 1k euro yourself.
    2. If you did spend money to get a small advantage/upperhand as being 2-5k power above f2p players, okey you do have a small voice complaining about p2w people and people with better ninjas/more power then you.
    3. You have 65k power thats 10-30k power over the F2P players, since matsuri is crossserver now the "we startet earlier" is not a legit argument for having more power (not that you could manage to come up with arguments, but just to avoid other people coming up with these ideas).
    4. You being a p2w player yourself have zero right QQ about people spending "ferrari" money on a game. Even f2p shouldnt have that right, except "kids, people without work, students" - EVERYONE knew from start that this is a p2w game "mostly" - the rest are in a position where they can spend as much as their pocket can afford. If the guy can throw 100k on a game, then the guy is also able to make that 100k ;) Some people like throwing money on alcohol, other on drugs, other on str1pp3rs some people spend it on a game. Why is that your issue?
    This post was last edited by BabaKsA at 2017-3-4 22:11
omg !!! you could told us at the start you are gonna overspend everyone who is in EU and keep big power distance from all other EU players in rankings, this way you will be able to win everytime in every cross pvp event in future, even though you are noob. you could save up your vomit posts here and save everybody's time instead of spamming here your nonsenses.

you wanna go Samuel way ? go on man, I am not gonna hold you or judge you for spending your money...this whole thread wasnt about my ranting coz you are spending money, I am spender too man, idc what you gonna do and where and on what you gonna spend. 100% your decisions and I told u this even before. no hard feelings

this whole thread was about that you are dont know what to do and when to do, if we have same BP I would stop you to the ground (I even defeated you with 12 000 power difference), you will keep winning just from huge power difference, thats all you can do, it is completely ok with me, you can keep your rank 1 in EU like for next 5 years. just dont spread your missinformations and delusions around, thats just all i want, to keep your *ity on some limit, u know.
This post was last edited by mad*** at 2017-3-4 23:26
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On 2017-03-05 00:46:49Show All Posts
  • BabaKsA On 2017-03-05 00:33:40
  • *Censored* This post was last edited by Daiske at 2017-3-5 01:51
so this is your true nature, you think you can buy everyone and insult them in any way This post was last edited by Daiske at 2017-3-5 01:52
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