1st of all it is all video where Samuel had "only" 367 000 power, he has now 531 000, that one who is winnig everything with sage hashirama, kcm naruto, 5th hokage and water main....
for the 2nd he has everything maxed in this game...did you watch last scene ? look at picture genius, difference between 1st and 2nd is 93 000 power, then difference 1st vs 3rd/4th 150-170 000 in power
thats why he can have any main or any ninja there, he would win with team 7 that tournament, with this kind of power differences.
you are only embarassing yourself here and you are doing it by yourself and publicly showing how missinformed and clueless you are. your knowledge is limited, I was thinking you are playing seriously in CN but you have info only from one last video where you see someone who spent "lamborghinni money" to stomp other people.
according to this video you want to tell us you are going to spend 100 000$ so u can keep your n1 spot ? thats your strategy how to win ?
worst thing on all this is that you are dumb and you dont have any problem, remorse or shame to show it, thats really sad. I am realy sorry for you. This post was last edited by mad***@gmail.com at 2017-3-4 21:39