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[ Bugs ] Initiative - bug ? Or I only need enlightenment..


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-02-24 23:01:04Show All PostsDescending Order
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I am not sure if this is a bug or not:

Ok so when I duel a friend this is what happens with barriers (both chars are in the same spot):

In total my friend has 6600
I have 6297
Obvioustly: his barrier stays

His single char: 1769
My single: 1706:
Obvioustly: his barrier stays

Now for the interesting part (we removed a few runes from his char):

His total: 6305
My total: 6297
My barrier stays - which is weird

Then we tried adding on runes one by one:
His total: 6380
My Total: 6297
His barrier stays, which is normal

As for single char initiative
His: 1604
Mine: 1706
His barrier stays - does not make sence

Only when we dropped his single char initiative to 1474 versus mine 1706 - thats when my barrier stayed. But at this point, its the scenario, where his total initiative was still higher at 6305 vs mine 6297

So this does not make sence and seems bugged does not matter which way you look at it: single char initiative or total average.
I checked the forums, I know this gets ever weirder in arena, but this was the on map duel that was tested

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-02-25 18:36:24Show All Posts
To clarify:
My battle armor is higher than his: mines lvl 4 - 70points in, his is lvl 4 30 points in.
Average initiative - that's fine, but average will always be total divided by 4. So generally speaking the total initiative matters. When he had more total initiative than I had - by 8 (or on average by 2 points per char) points, my barrier was the one to stay.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-02-25 19:44:59Show All Posts
  • Syldor On 2017-02-25 18:54:56
  • only team initiative count for passiv barrier it doesnt matter which position the barrier maker is or how much initiative he personally has

    team initiative = add the initiative stat from all 4 ninjas in your team which you can find in character -> details
Thats exactly what we did. Let me just repeat: his total was 8 points more than mine (after he removed a few initiative runes), but my barrier was the one to stay
Quicky Post

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