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[ Events ] Events - 23rd February


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On 2017-02-24 02:40:05Show this Author Only
Good ninja for next month.
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On 2017-02-24 05:16:18Show this Author Only
  • Shadoblaze On 2017-02-23 23:01:43
  • i dont know why u think hashi is only good for low lvls, im lvl 85 and i use him still in my main team, kyuubi team, and ranked team. I'm on server 2 so its definitely not a new server. U must still be weak if anything can 1 shot u, once u get stronger then ur team becomes alot tankier and the enemy needs 2-3 full combos to kill u when fighting other people with the same power. hell my fire clone cant be killed in 1 combo unless they get lucky with crits.

    if i time my barrier right they cant interupt with anyone, the timing is just too difficult to manage. Who cares if he doesnt stun? His barrier attack hits like a mystery on 2 people so u do even more damage, plus root only lasts 2 rounds, first round u activate barrier, 2nd round its damage only, 3rd round it stuns.

    yes he is a support, and? supports are very useful, thats why fire mains run the debuff clear myst to support the team, its why water mains run heals and earth mains shield. lots of people use supports on their team, hashi is a support that has 2 damage buffs, self heals, cc, removes enemy barriers, and interupts, that is great in my opinion

    hashi lets me beat the few people on my server who have higher init then me, because being slower + having 40% less damage means im going to lose, being slower but having 40% more damage means i can still win
im serious they still can 1 hit your team. Im running hidan team and I usually 1 hit the other team in 2 turns. I dont know how much BP u got but people with the same BP when they fight me (About 47k), they always get 1 shot
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On 2017-02-24 05:55:06Show this Author Only
Eh... But I * at arena... :funk:
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On 2017-02-24 06:13:48Show this Author Only
  • ShinjiIkari On 2017-02-24 05:16:18
  • im serious they still can 1 hit your team. Im running hidan team and I usually 1 hit the other team in 2 turns. I dont know how much BP u got but people with the same BP when they fight me (About 47k), they always get 1 shot
Perhaps your refine stats are too high in comparison to your primary stats (atk/nin/def/res/hp)
There's also other variable i.e. your opponents on a very high lvl'd offensive (ghost) tactics

I use Hashi in my main lineup and fight people on the same power in Matsuri and find him as a direct counter to the current hidan root/mei tenten meta. He's also great in Arena...still worthy of one of the best super rares. I'd pick him over Susano Suskue or Raikage any day. Wait until his skill books come :P
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On 2017-02-24 06:52:19Show this Author Only
  • LegendaryUchiha On 2017-02-24 01:44:05
  • I went a couple posts back to get a general idea of what's going on, I didn't find anything that I could personally comment on, I just wanted to post in the topic Feb. 23rd that my mom's birthday is today! :lol
Hi there!

Happy birthday to your mom!! may she be blessed with longevity and happiness all the way~

I appreciate the discussions between you guys, debating on how good Hashi is and how some of you doesn't agree. Can anyone help me with detailed impression of this week event? :) You might also throw some suggestions / opinion on what to change or how to change, what you expect to see in the future.

We are doing our best to convey all your thoughts and opinions to the dev, and it would help alot if you can make it as detailed as you can.

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On 2017-02-24 07:13:04Show this Author Only
Sage Treasure is a good event, with good discounts. The ninjas need to be replaced imo. Iruka is always good, but the Pains are meh. I don't really know who would be great replacements because you can't please everybody, but maybe some GNW ninjas for those servers who never got a chance to piece them. I'm open to sugestions. But still good event.

Mobilization is a very good f2p event. Takes a bit of time, but if you can find a friend to trade missions, you get a lot of good stuff. Free keys and refines. Getting a bit repetitive though.

Arena Missions is a good incentive for people to do arena, as long as they do it in Practice Mode. Many got scared of doing Ranked since cross server. But in practice mode, there's a lot of people. (I speak for the older servers. New servers, I don't know).

Panic buy is a good event for spenders.

Overall, they are good events. F2P friendly, which is something people have been asking for. I don't know why they are few though. But i like them. This post was last edited by JirayaEro at 2017-2-24 07:15
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On 2017-02-24 07:49:06Show this Author Only
  • Acer1 On 2017-02-24 06:52:19
  • Hi there!

    Happy birthday to your mom!! may she be blessed with longevity and happiness all the way~

    I appreciate the discussions between you guys, debating on how good Hashi is and how some of you doesn't agree. Can anyone help me with detailed impression of this week event? :) You might also throw some suggestions / opinion on what to change or how to change, what you expect to see in the future.

    We are doing our best to convey all your thoughts and opinions to the dev, and it would help alot if you can make it as detailed as you can.

All events are great. Sage Treasure is great to get Pains you want and you dont have to worry about RNG, Mobilization is great because of ninjas and iteam to increase power, lot more people will do arena now and Panic Buy is great to get iteams to improve BA.
Overall 10/10. Not to much event so no one has to spend whole day and do them. It's rly great. More of that please.
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On 2017-02-24 08:13:09Show this Author Only
where is the recharge event!!!!
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On 2017-02-24 09:55:32Show this Author Only
looks like u need to unbox hiruzen 2x to get him
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On 2017-02-24 10:26:12Show this Author Only
The events this week are fine we could use a couple more tho that arent fishing like baloons/shurikens maybe with bonus shurikens for recharge.
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On 2017-02-24 10:54:09Show this Author Only
  • Shadoblaze On 2017-02-23 23:01:43
  • i dont know why u think hashi is only good for low lvls, im lvl 85 and i use him still in my main team, kyuubi team, and ranked team. I'm on server 2 so its definitely not a new server. U must still be weak if anything can 1 shot u, once u get stronger then ur team becomes alot tankier and the enemy needs 2-3 full combos to kill u when fighting other people with the same power. hell my fire clone cant be killed in 1 combo unless they get lucky with crits.

    if i time my barrier right they cant interupt with anyone, the timing is just too difficult to manage. Who cares if he doesnt stun? His barrier attack hits like a mystery on 2 people so u do even more damage, plus root only lasts 2 rounds, first round u activate barrier, 2nd round its damage only, 3rd round it stuns.

    yes he is a support, and? supports are very useful, thats why fire mains run the debuff clear myst to support the team, its why water mains run heals and earth mains shield. lots of people use supports on their team, hashi is a support that has 2 damage buffs, self heals, cc, removes enemy barriers, and interupts, that is great in my opinion

    hashi lets me beat the few people on my server who have higher init then me, because being slower + having 40% less damage means im going to lose, being slower but having 40% more damage means i can still win
May I know whats your BP ? Because at 60k BP, MB Crit Armor or Curse Hidan can pretty much clear 1 hit kill that team with similar BP or even higher. Unless u are on Iruka to give shield, then u can survive curse hidan + Killer Bee combo with 25% HP for turn 2, not even yet talking about MB assasination sword to follow through Cursed Hidan.

And for those who said Hashi is in everyone's 9Tails team, Not true. In order to use hashi, you need Konoha Ninjas only so as u go along the game and have more options, hashi is going out of date, well unless they release better Konoha Ninjas or improvement through skill breakthrough.

P.S; I will refrain myself from making a feedback for this event because it is the same mundane event (same ninjas) I have given feedback before. I think I am reconsidering my stance and future prospect to this game if the game developer is focusing on satisfying new players over the high level players.
This post was last edited by Clazsic_s134 at 2017-2-24 10:57
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On 2017-02-24 12:36:48Show this Author Only
Stop bringing Hashi to these events, SECOND IN A ROW LOL. Instead try to bring some MOOD SCROLLS, that would be really helpful for everyone.
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On 2017-02-24 12:59:28Show this Author Only
Recharge event. Add it.
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On 2017-02-24 14:15:44Show this Author Only
Can u guys add battle armor rebate event next week? I think it's reasonable to ask for that because we have battle armor panic buy this week
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On 2017-02-24 14:41:37Show this Author Only
  • Clazsic On 2017-02-24 10:54:09
  • May I know whats your BP ? Because at 60k BP, MB Crit Armor or Curse Hidan can pretty much clear 1 hit kill that team with similar BP or even higher. Unless u are on Iruka to give shield, then u can survive curse hidan + Killer Bee combo with 25% HP for turn 2, not even yet talking about MB assasination sword to follow through Cursed Hidan.

    And for those who said Hashi is in everyone's 9Tails team, Not true. In order to use hashi, you need Konoha Ninjas only so as u go along the game and have more options, hashi is going out of date, well unless they release better Konoha Ninjas or improvement through skill breakthrough.

    P.S; I will refrain myself from making a feedback for this event because it is the same mundane event (same ninjas) I have given feedback before. I think I am reconsidering my stance and future prospect to this game if the game developer is focusing on satisfying new players over the high level players.
    This post was last edited by Clazsic_s134 at 2017-2-24 10:57
He is at 62,7k power . 4th ranked in power on server 2 btw . Not sure where he stands in the top powers out of all servers but he is pretty out there ,well you aren't very far off with 58k power yourself but he still uses hashirama and is top 3 in SWB so i think he can give a better assesment of the ninja than you regarding that.
This post was last edited by Haru no Owari at 2017-2-24 14:47
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On 2017-02-24 15:05:41Show this Author Only
  • Iroku Doi On 2017-02-24 14:41:37
  • He is at 62,7k power . 4th ranked in power on server 2 btw . Not sure where he stands in the top powers out of all servers but he is pretty out there ,well you aren't very far off with 58k power yourself but he still uses hashirama and is top 3 in SWB so i think he can give a better assesment of the ninja than you regarding that.
    This post was last edited by Haru no Owari at 2017-2-24 14:47
and can u just stop saying things that u dont know mister lv 85 server 200 sth Final Valley, whose server is dying and whining like a little kid in server merge thread.
Just cant understand why you keep trying to protect the team when they keep offering these kinds of ninjas

I believe if I have a chance to meet u at arena, I would love to show you how I 1 hit your dream hashirama team
This post was last edited by 123***@facebook at 2017-2-24 15:08 This post was last edited by 123***@facebook at 2017-2-24 15:11 This post was last edited by 123***@facebook at 2017-2-24 15:11
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On 2017-02-24 15:23:44Show this Author Only
  • Clazsic On 2017-02-24 10:54:09
  • May I know whats your BP ? Because at 60k BP, MB Crit Armor or Curse Hidan can pretty much clear 1 hit kill that team with similar BP or even higher. Unless u are on Iruka to give shield, then u can survive curse hidan + Killer Bee combo with 25% HP for turn 2, not even yet talking about MB assasination sword to follow through Cursed Hidan.

    And for those who said Hashi is in everyone's 9Tails team, Not true. In order to use hashi, you need Konoha Ninjas only so as u go along the game and have more options, hashi is going out of date, well unless they release better Konoha Ninjas or improvement through skill breakthrough.

    P.S; I will refrain myself from making a feedback for this event because it is the same mundane event (same ninjas) I have given feedback before. I think I am reconsidering my stance and future prospect to this game if the game developer is focusing on satisfying new players over the high level players.
    This post was last edited by Clazsic_s134 at 2017-2-24 10:57
I don't want to * talk but I do feel the need to defend Hashirama here. He is a powerful ninja when you consider the boosts he gives. All this talk about cursed Hidan etc. is pointless imo because most people running Hashirama are also fire mains, which means they are shielded from hidan in R1, and In R2 you will get hit by a lot of boosted damage. Think of it this way, you have fire main boost from either ninjutsu surge or Fire boost (Depending on your main attacker), plus Iruka, plus Hashi and then since the hidan damage team doesn't have any CC you also have Hashi barrier boost. Even if your opponents do have 1 CC all it takes is a carefully timed barrier to pull it off, it can be virtually unblockable. The total amount of buffs come out to +140% ninjutsu if they use the flame buff from fire main, or +115% with ninjutsu surge. That amount of power will basically cripple your opponents entire team.

Once Jinchuriki treasure comes out I think Hashi will be useless for PVP, but imo he is amazing right now because he can counter auto-barriers if you happen to have less Init than your opponent. Of course we could go back and forth about this all day imagining situations in which our respective teams win or lose, but the Hashirama team is something that I came to in response to double healer teams, or anti-CC teams that became popular. And it has proven itself to be a good enough team, at least for me.
EDIT: I just wanted to add that server 2 still has a lot of competition, I think we are thriving. I don't win every fight because sometimes I come across a team that catches me off guard (plus S2 has a lot of bad asses). So please don't think I'm saying this is the end all be all team. But the whole point of my post was that you cannot discount Hashirama and say he is *. Even my biggest rivals will tell you that he is a powerful ninja.
This post was last edited by Beji at 2017-2-24 15:36
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On 2017-02-24 16:10:32Show this Author Only
  • ShinjiIkari On 2017-02-24 15:05:41
  • and can u just stop saying things that u dont know mister lv 85 server 200 sth Final Valley, whose server is dying and whining like a little kid in server merge thread.
    Just cant understand why you keep trying to protect the team when they keep offering these kinds of ninjas

    I believe if I have a chance to meet u at arena, I would love to show you how I 1 hit your dream hashirama team
    This post was last edited by 123***@facebook at 2017-2-24 15:08 This post was last edited by 123***@facebook at 2017-2-24 15:11 This post was last edited by 123***@facebook at 2017-2-24 15:11
lol me defending the team? i'm one of the people most critical of them , i bash them in most of my threads for not doing work , i'm just defending hashirama in this case and what server are you on Mr 1 shot and what team are you using i would love to fight u in arena as well and show you that you are just acting though when you are insignificant. Please you saw so many replies contradict yours by higher power people but you only respond to me because i'm from a newer server and you have 7k more power than me and playing for 3 more months than me ? c'mon dude why aren't you responding to other guys who defend hashirama
This post was last edited by Haru no Owari at 2017-2-24 16:17
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On 2017-02-24 16:13:06Show this Author Only
Seriously such OMG MY OPINION ONLY MATTERS LOL LOSER. type responses. Its insane. You want to know why the company doesnt listen? Maybe ask yourself why they should, when they put in Hashirama, a super rare ninja that was behind a 800$ paywall originally, is still useful, and actually stays useful even a year in with skillbooks, then has people say OMG HASHIRAMA STOP MILKING US!! OMG. ..Do you honestly talk like that in real life? If so..Maybe a the* can help?

Then you talk down to other players who give you a reason why, its insane how * you can sound on here and still think your winning the argument. Anyways, The only problem with the rewards is medium refines are overpriced and Cave keys cap out at 20.

Give real feedback, or gtfo so we can actually try and make the game better.
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On 2017-02-24 16:14:51Show this Author Only
  • Beji On 2017-02-24 15:23:44
  • I don't want to * talk but I do feel the need to defend Hashirama here. He is a powerful ninja when you consider the boosts he gives. All this talk about cursed Hidan etc. is pointless imo because most people running Hashirama are also fire mains, which means they are shielded from hidan in R1, and In R2 you will get hit by a lot of boosted damage. Think of it this way, you have fire main boost from either ninjutsu surge or Fire boost (Depending on your main attacker), plus Iruka, plus Hashi and then since the hidan damage team doesn't have any CC you also have Hashi barrier boost. Even if your opponents do have 1 CC all it takes is a carefully timed barrier to pull it off, it can be virtually unblockable. The total amount of buffs come out to +140% ninjutsu if they use the flame buff from fire main, or +115% with ninjutsu surge. That amount of power will basically cripple your opponents entire team.

    Once Jinchuriki treasure comes out I think Hashi will be useless for PVP, but imo he is amazing right now because he can counter auto-barriers if you happen to have less Init than your opponent. Of course we could go back and forth about this all day imagining situations in which our respective teams win or lose, but the Hashirama team is something that I came to in response to double healer teams, or anti-CC teams that became popular. And it has proven itself to be a good enough team, at least for me.
    EDIT: I just wanted to add that server 2 still has a lot of competition, I think we are thriving. I don't win every fight because sometimes I come across a team that catches me off guard (plus S2 has a lot of bad asses). So please don't think I'm saying this is the end all be all team. But the whole point of my post was that you cannot discount Hashirama and say he is *. Even my biggest rivals will tell you that he is a powerful ninja.
    This post was last edited by Beji at 2017-2-24 15:36
LOL this is definitely * talk. What hidan team u talking about may I ask? No cc? Are u daydreaming? Should go to bed bro. The hidan team im running is with hanzo? Is that no CC? So what about ninjutsu urge? It has nothing to do with the sustain of hashirama team. And let me tell you, if fire main use his 4th mystery to seal off everyone from tag then I just wait for that mystery to wear off the next round and do my tag. And remember that fire team can do no debuff to root. And just let's say hashirama try to stun my danzo, but it's 25% chance for him to get cced because of RNG
2nd point that fire team can do no dps mystery round 1, so stop thinking that team can do any dmg to my team even though they get boost from hashi
Seriously, please dont * talk anymore.

And if u really want to prove me wrong. Give me your IGN, your server and your BP. We go fight in arena sometimes to see who * talks here This post was last edited by 123***@facebook at 2017-2-24 16:18
This post was last edited by 123***@facebook at 2017-2-24 16:20
Quicky Post

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