Yea yea i know another thread about arena and how its unfair bla bla bla...
But this is not it, atleast not all of it. Before i wanted to give my opinion about arena i first griended it and about 5-6 hours atleast and after that i am ready to give my opinion. Since i didnt start making info from the first fight i just have information about my last 30 matches in arena.
In the last 30 arena matches i mostly got people around my rank so +-1 i am kage atm.I am lvl 81 with 40k power so you know how strong people i should get since new arena includes finding people around your power.So in 30 matches i had higher initiative 3 times so 10% of a time i had higher ini then my enemy which i dont rly understand how.Out of 30 matches i have won 13 of them, and the only thing why i won is because i started using that cancer team AF,Mabui,Ten Ten and Mei.I personaly dont like this team bcs everyone uses it but since i cant win with any other againts them i figured out if you cant beat them join them.So the chance of me winning are way bellow 50% which i think arena should be.
To me arena should be a place where your personal power doesnt matter,a place where a lvl 50 and a lvl 85 can have a fair duel without any other facts involved so they can test their team,summon and misterys the best,and in this curently arena with this setup that is not possible since the one who has more initiative wins or atleast has about 80% or more chances of winning. So i have a sugestion like a hundred people or so also have a sugestion.
Let arena be a 2 fight match where ini truly doesnt exists and the only things that are important are skill and team composition.So in first fight the player 1 will have higher ini on all of his ninjas,and on second fight player 2 will have more initiative on all of his ninjas, and the winner will be the player with higher % health in total.
That is my opinion and sugestion. I just wanted to share it with you guys and also want to hear what are your opinions about this :) This post was last edited by Dimster at 2017-2-22 21:34 This post was last edited by Dimster at 2017-2-22 21:34