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[ Events ] You dont know what luck really is : 6 Tails with 220 Spins


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-02-22 17:45:26Show All PostsDescending Order
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Server is 3 days old (look at the battle power)

220 spins and 3 times frags

ps: Its not me
This post was last edited by sei*** at 2017-2-22 17:50
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-02-22 19:40:05Show All Posts
Yeah medal user. So that casher have lower chance or stuff i assume isnt true. But what i think is maybe that after a server opening the chance is higher cause i saw many people getting frags at the server.
But it could also be because of the high population, more than 150 active player atm.

S384 btw
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-02-23 05:48:36Show All Posts
  •  Tukiisan  On 2017-02-23 00:35:59
  • This is the reply from Customer Support "Unfortunately, the rewards have different chance to be won, we apologise if the wheel does not reflect these chances accurately."

    Basically there is no threshold to the wheel.... One can spend millions also you can never win.

    I done my share of research and check almost all the servers... S1-S100 very little ppl got it... All new servers tons of people get it...

    I wrote this to customer support... The event is 7 days... If a paying customer roll for 7 days straight 150 spins... even on the last day you give a x50 customer also won't feel cheated into something that totally impossible to win. To even get 9 tails 5 stars going to need at least 7 events times.. per event is like 21000 ingot spend on to spin for 7 days...

    I have spend on both events 21000 x 21000 ingots still can't get even one x50... This is my recent week event spins... So this is my last ingot i'm spending... no point spending on scripting which are written by a lazy software engineer. I know adding a threshold to the script is writing more but i guess it was too much to write.

    Good Luck in all OASIS Games.. So many games but Naruto Made it the best but you guys struck your pot of gold and ruined it by neglecting the customers who are putting your paychecks in your pockets every month. If you have gone through a history of game developers and games succeeded and failed.. You will understand why all games failed is always about the customers giving up on the game. 1st of all the bad customer support... 2nd It's a gold digger game.. 3rd Too many server problems and unstable game app. and you guys really have all 3 of them.
    It's so easy to see who are paying customers... Just join any server and count the Jonin medals.. lol my server can count with both my hands.. and half already left.
    This post was last edited by Tukiisan at 2017-2-23 00:38
Im sorry man thats really bad luck
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