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[ Suggestions ] GNW rewards


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On 2017-02-21 13:18:27Show All Posts
  • Tobei On 2017-02-21 06:03:15
  • Hey

    Unfortunately, that's not system players would agree with.
    GNW Boxes won't change. What I'll advise from guilds are to create a system that's healthy based on participation and activity, that way it's easier to reward players and rotate rewards.

    We are planning on changing the rewards structure for boxes. Hopefully, it'll make players happy.
    But still, I'll suggest a system to keep things managed.
    This post was last edited by Tobei at 2017-2-20 17:04
Until there's a poll done, I'll take whether people agree or disagree with a grain of salt. I can't imagine groups with 40+ people participating to be happy with 10 packs a week.

I totally agree with the op's idea btw.
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On 2017-02-21 13:44:54Show All Posts
  • PraiseLuka On 2017-02-21 13:32:29
  • 1. everyone already gets a reward for every participation, not much but they do.

    2. There are NEGATIVES to have a per person reward. For one thing, it will further incentive group merger (since it no longer have the negative of merger=less GNW reward). Since most servers don't have 8 groups to fill the GNW, this is a bad thing. It's also bad for less active servers. Currently, while they might suffer lack of sage, at least they usually get more GNW pack per person, if reward is all per person, they lose that too and falls further behind compared to active server.

    Why is it that people doesn't think things through when they post suggestions and only ever thinks of "mememe"
    And why is it they never actually go through the forum to look for past similar suggestions and what people say about them? This suggestion have came up at least 3 times in more or less the exact same form, with these flaws being pointed out.

    If you can come up with a system without those negative impacts, feel free to propose that. But until then, no.

    On a side note, poll won't be a very good idea. Because most people are, unfortunately, short sighted and doesn't think things through, just like the OP. They won't think of the potential problem of most server ending up in one group, nor would they spare any thought for the poor servers who are not active enough for Sage that the current schema compensate for. Those less active servers can't even represent themselves well because they have low population and thus low voting power.
You must be joking with the group contribution points rewards for the exchange shop. What character there do you use for your main lineup? If you put effort and time into showing up and participating, you should get rewarded. A reward available doesn't mean it's viable or legit. If you have 50 k coins as a reward for doing gnw, you technically get a reward, but is it really a valid, merited one?

You're second point, I'm not saying there should be a massive number of boxes where the rewards are spread so thin, it'll take 2 months to get 10 scrolls. I'm just saying there should be viable rewards for people that participate, contribute, and don't get anything.

I find your criticism about people being short sighted and selfish, a bit hypocritical, insincere, and hard to respect considering your point about merges happening ties into smaller servers being hurt when larger servers are being hurt by the current rewards and you don't mention larger servers at all. Also, I didn't know you were an authoritative figure here, telling people to not post something and coming up with rules on what's an acceptable post or not. This post was last edited by 189***@facebook at 2017-2-21 13:46 This post was last edited by 189***@facebook at 2017-2-21 13:50
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On 2017-02-21 13:50:23Show All Posts
  • On 2017-02-21 13:39:36
  • there should be no limit in packs and leader should not need to give them. if one join 2 round of gnw he qualify for rewards. 2 round participation gives 2 seal, 3 round participation gives 3 seal, 4 round participation gives 5 seal, 5 round participation gives 6/7/8 seal. kinda like this. other reward per round like group point and contribution ok. those who says leader should make a system to rotate pack- 'leades not getting paid by devs to manage group lol. they also here to play game and enjoy not to do office work for devs and guide group members to spend money in game'
I agree with this!
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On 2017-02-21 14:17:52Show All Posts
  • PraiseLuka On 2017-02-21 13:59:03
  • I get medium refine runes from group shop, don't you? It's quite useful really, much more so than 50k coin. So that's a failing point.

    You completely miss my point on the second point. It's regarding server health as opposed to personal reward amount. Specifically, the problem with per-person reward vs currently fixed reward is that in a per-person reward "world", there is no reason NOT to merge groups.

    Currently, merging have the benefit of faster growth(higher lv group & group skill) and more group activity rewards (which is for everyone). Not merging have the benefit of more GNW pack per person (60 ppl in 2 groups will get 19-20 packs, whereas in one group is just 10), this creates somewhat of a balance to keep merges in check.

    If we made GNW reward all per person, than, sentimentality aside, the rational decision would be to merge as many people into as few group as possible, to enjoy all the benefit of merger with no drawbacks. As it stands, except for a few servers, that will mean only one or two group per server. That will destroy competitiveness and is probably a bad state. There are quite a few fairly active server (that gets sage everyday) that complains about competition due to the fact the server only have one or two group(see merger request thread), frankly that's the result of over-merger and is a huge source of discontent, we don't need any more of that. In the long run, most server with less than 160 active player will end up in just one or two group, how "fun" would that be? How many server do you think have more than 160 active players?

    On a side note, my server is fairly active with 4 groups, my group have around 30 people on for GNW, so I don't get pack every week. I'm hardly saying things to benefit myself, as more packs would in fact benefit me. But I take OTHER PEOPLE into consideration, and realize that it could be bad for the already disadvantaged.
My point still stands about merited and valid rewards, med refine runes are crap for setting aside time and putting in effort for showing up to these things.

Per person for participating, and extra for winning/getting far in gnw seems fair to me. There's still an incentive to not merge and stay in your group if it's smaller since you'd get bonus packs based on your placement in gnw And if you disagree with per person rewards + bonuses, what's the solution for guilds with many players not getting anything or taking a month before getting a pack?
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On 2017-02-21 15:00:23Show All Posts
I respectfully disagree with Ryota's solution. I think it's a bit unreasonable. Many players like myself enjoy playing and chatting with our current guildmates and makes it feel like your apart of something larger with the people you like.

I agree with your second point and a long wait time is frustrating. And with rotations.. more casual players that show up once in a while to gnw because of work or school or w/e don't get anything in our guild, there's too many people to distribute to that contribute and participate consistently. I think that's a problem and I still feel the more casual players should get packs or something. Regardless, I also agree that nothing short of a revolution, players quitting en masse will get oas to budge on increasing rewards. -_- Not sure if there's any point to discussing these things.
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On 2017-02-21 15:45:59Show All Posts
  • RyotaHoshino On 2017-02-21 15:26:15
  • I disagree with you. Your way of thinking will destroy groups and war. Do you not understand why there are only 10 packs? Its so that little groups can survive. What would stop people from just going to the top group and monopolizing the better rewards? Nothing, everyone would go. Im not trying to be rude but you are trying to kill the smaller groups. Its simple if you want more rewards just make another group. Sure you may lose war but at least you can get your members more rewards. This solution wont be helpful to people on s1 or any other server that has 8 full groups but thats rare.
Fistly I've made my point about splitting a group up. Secondly, right now more populated groups are being hurt since more casual members that show up once in a while to gnw don't get packs and players that consistantly show up and contribute get one once a month. Since your accusing me of just wanting more rewards, I'll just say that you want more rewards for yourself by being in a smaller group. And if you want more rewards by being in a small group, why don't you just join a larger group with a participation system you twit. This post was last edited by 189***@facebook at 2017-2-21 15:53
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On 2017-02-21 16:02:29Show All Posts
  • RyotaHoshino On 2017-02-21 15:57:10
  • And calling someone a twit for having a better solution than monopolizing war is uncalled for.
I don't agree that it monoplizes gnw.
Making baseless accusations and running a smear campaign portraying people that you don't agree with as greedy and selfish is uncalled for. Pot, kettle, black. This post was last edited by 189***@facebook at 2017-2-21 16:20
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On 2017-02-21 16:04:09Show All Posts
  • RyotaHoshino On 2017-02-21 15:54:18
  • I dont want more rewards i want fair competition.
I'm sure you don't, that's why you're in a small group where they get tons of rewards compared to larger groups where they they have to rotate.
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On 2017-02-21 16:22:04Show All Posts
  • RyotaHoshino On 2017-02-21 16:21:12
  • Mkay so keep your large group and lose out on rewards fine by me. Just keep begging for more from the devs see how far that gets you.
Kay! enjoy your gaming the system for more rewards by being in a smaller group! Must be nice!
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On 2017-02-21 16:28:15Show All Posts
  • RyotaHoshino On 2017-02-21 16:24:33
  • Mkay have fun losing out on the rewards by being in a larger group just to win ;)
Lemme know what you get by gaming and supporting the current system, screwing over larger groups? I'd like 10 seals a week too, sounds niceee.
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On 2017-02-21 16:32:05Show All Posts
  • RyotaHoshino On 2017-02-21 16:30:49
  • Lemme know how fun it would be to be in the top group with 0 competition by screwing over littler groups. This post was last edited by RyotaHoshino at 2017-2-21 16:32
Sadly we have competition, no monopolizing :(. What did you get this week from the current system that incentivizes being in a small group and screws over players in a large group?
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On 2017-02-21 16:34:56Show All Posts
  • RyotaHoshino On 2017-02-21 16:33:24
  • if there is no competition then why not divide to get more rewards? read it wrong This post was last edited by RyotaHoshino at 2017-2-21 16:37
I'm not sure i understand, we have competition.
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On 2017-02-21 21:11:03Show All Posts
  • RyotaHoshino On 2017-02-21 16:35:49
  • how many groups does your server have? and how many per group?
There's competition on our low pop server now. When the server first opened we would win every single time in gnw. There would be about 1 other decent sized guild and ~4 small ones with 3-6 people in gnw. Now, the members have joined either our group or the other one, and after a merge the other guild had, there's real competition. We win just as much as we lose and much of it depends on luck (not placing one of our stacked teams against a player with crazy high bp on the other guild's team). I don't know what it's like on other servers, but on our server, small groups didn't stand a chance and didn't provide more competition, nor do I believe that gnw was intended to be played with 4 people in a guild during gnw. This post was last edited by 189***@facebook at 2017-2-21 21:27
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