1. Server ID: S236
2. Server Region: LA
3. Server Age: 10 weeks
4. Sage Battlefield: Has not opened for well over a month.
5. Time taken to kill World Boss: 6 mins (I can solo it in 10 mins due to low hp)
6. No. of group participating in Great Ninja War: Just 1 group for attendance, with 5 people showing up to claim bags.
7. Power Rankings: 32k rank 1, 28k rank 2, 27k rank 5, 23k rank 10, 20k rank 20.
I am the only player who still do daily missions and survival trial every day on the server. Only 7 players out of the top 20 are still "active".
Team instance matchmaking cannot ever find players; all TI must be done in pre-made teams.
Plunder cannot take place; there is no one to plunder.