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[ Ninja Exam ] Ninja Exam level 65 for midnight blade( I'll complete the other mains tomorrow.


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-02-19 02:49:57Show All PostsDescending Order
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Hi guys. I'm Misteran in server 359 Third kazekage, playing for the first time . My main character is midnaght blade (lightning) and I'm lvl 55 but this guide applies for all main characters as long as you use it correctly.
The method is very simple, all you have to do is to put naruto in chaos and cause acupuncture to Jiraya so naruto would easily kill Jiraya and one of the anbu, and you do the rest. But keep in mind that midnight blade (lighning main) and azure fang (water main) both have acupuncture (acupoint sealing) in their mysteries while crimson fist (earth main) can cause interuption wich only cancels the opponents mystery but do not disable it for the next round, the scarlet blaze (fire main) c*e immobile and Ino chases him and cause chaos on him that is an advantage, and the breeze dancer (wind main) doesn't have any interuption or acupuncture ability so we need another ninja with that ability.

Here is my lineup, with slight modifications you c*e it for other mains too.
Hinata 2*, main, Ino (both GNW and shipudden) 2* , Shikamaru 2*
You don't need summon or the third Pasiive, though it could come in handy.

First use Shikamaru's mistery on naruto, so that Ino chases immobile and causes chaos.

1. Lightning main: Use your lightning sealing slash on Jiraya, after that use Hinata's mystery. In the second round use Ino's mistery on naruto again. At the end of the second round Jiraya and naruto and one of the anbu must be dead. From this point your ninjas kill the last anbu.
2. Earth main: Incomplete
3. Water main: Incomplete
4. Fire main: Incomplete
5. Wind main: Incomplete
This post was last edited by Misteran at 2017-2-19 03:14
Quicky Post

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