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[ News ] Arena Season Rewards - Rules Highlight


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On 2017-03-02 10:58:01Show this Author Only
  • Acer1 On 2017-03-02 08:27:50
  • Hello guys,

    As i've mentioned earlier in one of my replies, we have corrected the rules and hopefully everyone has the right understanding of this in the future. Again i have to highlight it this time, we apologized for any issue that it may have caused.

    Please be a positive community, we are trying our best to deliver the best service to everyone. Flaming, insulting, degrading or anything that bring negativity in the forum shall be avoided at all times as it doesn't bring any added value for the community.

    You can leave your suggestions here or PM me, as i will always communicate those to our teams.

    Thank you.
this is why u still lying
no responses.
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On 2017-03-02 11:53:23Show this Author Only
  • Acer1 On 2017-03-02 08:27:50
  • Hello guys,

    As i've mentioned earlier in one of my replies, we have corrected the rules and hopefully everyone has the right understanding of this in the future. Again i have to highlight it this time, we apologized for any issue that it may have caused.

    Please be a positive community, we are trying our best to deliver the best service to everyone. Flaming, insulting, degrading or anything that bring negativity in the forum shall be avoided at all times as it doesn't bring any added value for the community.

    You can leave your suggestions here or PM me, as i will always communicate those to our teams.

    Thank you.
what about this?
no responses.
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On 2017-03-02 14:12:09Show this Author Only
  • Al3x On 2017-03-02 10:01:46
  • i got the six path and hawe been reset , that's my point if it reset from 0 why we dont get all the rewards again for getting , genin , chunin , kage , all those rank's without reward . is like false advertise , wich isn't ok .
They only said you'll get Seasonal rewards monthly at the reset. The rewards for obtaining each rank can only be attained once. There's no false adverti*t here.
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On 2017-03-03 21:12:35Show this Author Only
Situation 1. Players who never achieved Six Paths Sennin rank, will only get the minimum rewards. His Arena Rank Points will not be reset, so that this player continues to have a chance to reach Six Paths Sennin rank (reach it and you’ll be under Situation 2’s rules).

so now i have -25 points in the end of this season its not going to be rest ? and i will get more lose so how im going to reach six path ?
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On 2017-03-09 13:38:23Show this Author Only
Hey if i could put a reply with all this just don't bother with arena ranking battles entirely i know now that in that only 2 things come out of it when fighting in ranked 1. people with higher initiative will overpower you no matter what strat you have & 2. depending on which ninja you have with initiative (CoughMeiCough) it'll practically make your win rates slim at best so just don't bother an hope maybe they bring some ultra rare ninja frags event or something just basically DON'T DO IT!! :dizzy::Q:dizzy:
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On 2017-03-14 12:48:13Show this Author Only
I just wi* was easier to get a fair match without someone using a copy/paste team. All the same I will still be patient and loyal and do my arena every day like a good boy :)
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On 2017-03-15 11:30:18Show this Author Only
Yeah your right about that But Instead of calling it Copy and Paste more like meta Team plus i think that Ranked Arena May as well be called meta Arena only due the fact that only Copycats are allowed in there right huh huh? :lol
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On 2017-03-27 03:17:39Show this Author Only
This is some bull* i think sorry for my language but come on how can 1 f2p win six path ranking can you expalin me?
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On 2017-03-28 18:57:54Show this Author Only
I will bother to explain what the sense behind the system actually is. It is designed to give players who actually don't really need those fragments give those fragments in order to bring people to spend money on strong ninjas trying to get those "awsome" rewards. I am max rank at my account and have ninjas like Hasirama, Tobirama, Hiruzen etc. I do it for competing, not for those rewards. I don't really need all those fragments and would gladly give em away or sell em for that matter. Players who archieve max rank really don't need those ninja fragments. Just a way of trying to motivate you buying strong characters to actually have a chance at winning in arena.

The bad side is also that f2p players don't even bother going to arena cause they can't compete anyway, so I have to wait like 5-7 min for one match and can't even do anything else in game while waiting. No fun at all. Just stop being too money greedy and give all those players who compete a rank reward without having to be max rank. More players trying to compete, more fights, more fun, more money, that easy. Servers are dead already enough, so you clearly have to change stuff. And sorry for not posting with my main account, cause of all the aristeus thing. No trust in this company anymore till they sort this out.

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On 2017-03-28 18:59:46Show this Author Only
Oh and one more thing:
“OMG OMG OMG! Yes! Got to Six Paths Sennin rank and look at that... So many rewards! Wow!!”

Not all players are 5 years old.

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On 2017-03-28 19:53:31Show this Author Only
After much struggling I got all the way to...Chunnin

Then I get lowest rewards

Then I get told to get my pathetic low skill rewards I need to master arena once, but I still won't get any rewards, I'll then START to get rewards from then on.

I'm sorry, what screwy logic is that?
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On 2017-04-05 09:16:45Show this Author Only
on my server everyone has a good ninjas except me
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On 2017-04-05 09:17:59Show this Author Only
this is rubbish u all talking free players dont have good ninjas
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On 2017-04-13 05:48:56Show this Author Only
i still cant find anyone to battle at genin rank :(
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On 2017-04-15 18:54:01Show this Author Only
you can still get good ninja as f2p farm shards from events save seal scrolls and do a bunch of ten draws. also what about the ranked shop and the group shop? On my old sever i was f2p earth main always top 5 with a team of regular sakura, sasuke and zabuza it was a beast team. I beat players with 3k more power than me in ranked battle arena sage battle and so on. It depends on ninja formation and strategy and if ur just auto in everything how u ever gonna do good? it's not easy as f2p but if u keep up with events and do all u can do in game u can be almsot as strong as the p2w players or stronger. unless they dump 800 dollars into the game.
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On 2017-05-03 19:10:41Show this Author Only
Please remove -1 point when lose ...:@:@:@:@:@:@:'(:'(:'(:'(
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On 2017-06-14 05:23:29Show this Author Only
I'm at -9 points and have been for months I can't be arsed to go in to arena to try and pull it back because I'm free to play and i only have level 4 to 5 refines
This post was last edited by Shinsei1988 at 2017-6-14 05:25
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On 2017-06-17 01:13:40Show this Author Only
I think this arena is much better than the old one, but still need more players to play it. Enjoy
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On 2017-06-17 02:14:03Show this Author Only
So if I understand well (Cause I'm bored reading all those messages), once you reach Six Paths for the 1st time, you will get all rewards and then your rank will be reset.

If in 2nd Season I reach Super Kage but no more, will my rank reset again? Or can I stay in Super Kage forever?
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On 2017-06-17 02:41:06Show this Author Only
It will reset again god dammit.
In order to get incremental rewards you need to have been Six Paths Sage once. If you manage to get to Six Paths Sage once, and next month you're kage/super kage/jonin/anbu/genin, you get the rewards according to your rank.
Quicky Post

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