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[ News ] Arena Season Rewards - Rules Highlight


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-02-26 17:37:00Show All Posts
  • Shihaisha On 2017-02-26 16:08:45
  • Hi , i'm Kage -5 now ; if the season ends and i'm Kage minus , would i get kage reward or the one before it ?
If you've hit 6 Path Sennin once before, for your current situation, you'll still get the Kage rewards.
If you've not hit 6 path Sennin once before, you'll get the Ninja Student rewards.
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On 2017-02-26 20:20:25Show All Posts
  • Shihaisha On 2017-02-26 20:09:09
  • i know that and i reached 6 paths last season , i'm talking about the minus thing will it affect my current rank?
I'm saying those above, because if you hover on the Rank image when you're in the negative point zone, it states that though your rank negative, you'll still receive rewards on the highest rank you've achieved. So you'll still get Kage. I don't know the actual phrasing at this moment, cause I'm not currently in the negative zone......... yet. ;P
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On 2017-02-27 06:00:37Show All Posts
  • Naruto-Hinata On 2017-02-27 05:54:45
  • If i'm "six paths sennin" in the arena "First reward" and in the first season of the arena i'm "Kage", I'll get Kage reward or School Student reward ?
So are you saying you were 6 Path Sennin already, and after the Arena reset, you became a Special Jonin and now managed to climb up to Kage? If that's what you're trying to say, then yes, from now on you will be getting the reward of whatever rank you are when the Arena resets again (which for your current situation is the Kage rewards, and not School Student rewards).

Though based on your question and phrasing, I don't actually know what you're trying to ask.
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On 2017-02-27 06:02:37Show All Posts
  • Shihaisha On 2017-02-26 21:50:40
  • lucky you , for me i win 1 battle then i lose 2 or 3 right after (but sometimes i get lucky and 3 wins streaks)
I lose alot too, so for now, I'm just holding out at 38 points Kage, so next reset I'll be at Super Kage due to the 8 Arena points reward of Kage.

I refuse to touch Ranked Arena anymore (I will touch it just to get some negative points so I don't get promoted to 6 Paths ever, and give some lucky players some free wins). So 1 Kage reward, then from then all its all Super Kage. Training battle ftw now. Lol!
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-02-28 01:36:31Show All Posts
  • Naruto-Hinata On 2017-02-27 06:13:27
  • No, if i'm sennin here
    And the first time, i'm kage here.
    I get Kage reward or Student reward ?
    Do I have to pass THIS sennin to definitively receive Kage reward ? (or the sennin with Konohamaru works ?)
    This post was last edited by Naruto-Hinata at 2017-2-27 20:50
I didn't even know you can be Sennin and get Konohamaru Corps but not be Sennin in that ranking part. What does your rank at the top corner say (the Logo with the Shurikens)?

And have the Arena been reset before in your server? Since I know some servers haven't gotten the Arena reset yet due to the age of the server.
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On 2017-03-01 14:59:28Show All Posts
  • kejmo On 2017-03-01 14:40:51
  • Exactly what i try to test and no - my rank was reset. I'm genin now.

    Is this how it's supposed to be or ? Because i've understood the same logic as you did from all their announcements.
If you noticed, they edited their initial rules at 11.59pm. 1 Minute before midnight. Now it seems all ranks get reset unless you've never reached 6 paths before.

Sooooooo... basically this was a royal screw up and in our face type of situation. Cause its not a literal, I'm gonna just retype and delete that paragraph and change everything. So yeah... :curse:
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On 2017-03-01 16:06:20Show All Posts
  • Khannonx On 2017-03-01 15:03:44
  • Honestly this was said before. It was done confusing, however i kept trying to post over and over that if you already got six paths, then next season every season will reset your ranks. So truthfully they edited rules to make it less confusing but it was like that already.
I'm sorry, but how did you interpret that underlined sentence as it will be reset every season regardless? I would like to take your side, but you've got to enlighten me on this aspect.

I don't know how "Your rank will not reset" can be interpreted any other way else, and it also states "you will keep winning the rewards for the rank in which you were".
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-03-01 21:56:35Show All Posts
  • Acer1 On 2017-03-01 16:17:51
  • Hello,

    on the third situation, the example given was a bit confusing and now it has been corrected. Kindly use the updated ones, and if you have any other issue in understanding it please let me know i will try my best to explain.

    We apologize for any issue that it may has caused.

    Thank you.
Oh no... I have no problem understanding it at all.

I understood it before the paragraph was changed entirely and still understand it now after the change, and I understand the change it now entails. However, I did not think that it was a mis-communicated with vague descriptions previously, but it was rather clear and concise.

But with the new description and wording change, its completely different from what was described previously in terms of the reset of non-6 Path members who have already attained 6 Path at least once.

I mean there's nothing we can say or do now, it is now what it is, but I feel that if such a change was going to be made, the post shouldn't be edited at 11.59pm, a minute into the new day (or you may argue 5 hours an a minute into a new server reset day) with regards to the changes. Either 2 weeks or just let 1 season take its toll like what it was previously mentioned, and then make that change, so it gives players a heads up.

The situation that just happened is like a Scratch and Win card to get that says you win $50, and when you're at the counter to claim your winnings, you take a pen and write on the back of the card, in front of us that now says, you need to get that Scratch and Win matching 3 times to claim your winnings, so I'll just give you $10 this time instead of $50. So it's quite a low *.
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On 2017-03-02 06:18:05Show All Posts
  • PraiseLuka On 2017-03-02 05:18:36
  • Oh, I rather doubt they actually lied about the rules, why would they do that?

    i mean the original did sound too good to be true, so it wasn't true, there is nothing wrong with the new rule in and of itself, you are rewarded based on the work you put in every season (well, sort of, the power disparity and balancing issue is a different matter entirely thou)

    The problem is that they refuse to admit their mistake, and instead try to cover it up and accuse us of misunderstanding them and that their fault merely being unclear on the description, that is....

    Oh wait, they are lying, about who made the mistake....
This is what that is actually annoying me as well.

I understand the wanting for the rule to be changed, completely acceptable to me. Its the way the entire situation was handled that irked me.
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On 2017-03-02 14:12:09Show All Posts
  • Al3x On 2017-03-02 10:01:46
  • i got the six path and hawe been reset , that's my point if it reset from 0 why we dont get all the rewards again for getting , genin , chunin , kage , all those rank's without reward . is like false advertise , wich isn't ok .
They only said you'll get Seasonal rewards monthly at the reset. The rewards for obtaining each rank can only be attained once. There's no false adverti*t here.
Quicky Post

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