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[ Bugs ] Cross Server Arena Balanced?


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-02-17 18:34:12Show All Posts
  • -Azura On 2017-02-17 13:47:26
  • I mean I get that you're frustrated and all but this "If you didn't already have that rank you wasn't able to get it because people were to afraid to play arena/weren't your rank so you had to wait hour(s) for a queue." is just wrong. There were always people doing Arena(especially after the merge) and there are tons of us on the server that reached it. The problem is waiting until last minute to finally decide to just sit down and do it. The Arena changes were announced 2 weeks in advance of the actual "update", that was way more than enough time to get Six Paths. Assuming they weren't being lazy.

    That's not even including our server opened in August.

    This post was last edited by -Azura at 2017-2-17 13:49
I believe OP is talking about a low pop server like mine with no merges , where i agree ppl didn't bother to Q up for ranked arena and but now that its cross we lose in first round
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